Member Posts: 3
I have a ball, and a platform that is slanted at a 45 degree angle. I have an accelerate behavior applied to the ball that moves is down at 270 degrees at a rate of 200. When the ball collides with the platform, instead of bouncing like you would normally think a ball would, it kind of floats off rotating around a single point. It doesn't bounce realistic at all.
I'm new to this whole thing, so bear with me, but any help is appreciated.
I'm new to this whole thing, so bear with me, but any help is appreciated.
If so, then change it to relative to the scene
i already had relative to scene but when the ball falls and collide with the platform instead of going to the right like a real ball'd do, it goes up, like if the platform were at 0%
Any idea how can i fix that?
Is your restitution set to 1 on the platform? If so, it will bounce a LOT. Lower it toward 0 until you get the right bounce.