Thanks guys! The whole level is almost playable now, i just had a couple setbacks with some of the hills i had to change some things at the begining. Im almost done now and ill upload gameplay as soon as im done.
MagoNicolas said: CONGRATULATIONS, very good, you have to Draw ALL curves (The Terrain) of all levels! It would be a very heavy game or not?
Thanks so much im very proud of this one. And yes it was very time consuming ive been working non stop since i posted the first video at about 12 last night and just finished now. Had to tweak everything and then put invisible actors on all the curves and everything like you said. Surprisingly its only at 247kb so im not worried about the size yet. Thanks again!
forklift said: That looks sweet! Curious, how would you set up the movement rules if the car/cycle/whatever was upside down?
Well im thinking if you flip over and land straight on your back and cant flip right over then you would restart the level. So ill probably constrain 3 invisible actors on the top left and right of the biker and have a timer so if its on one side for to long you start over. Ill still have them setup so you can wheelie though and it wont think you flipped over and itll let you keep the wheelie if you can balance it:)
Love it, good to see it in action! With the bike, are you going to be doing the wheels separate? That way you could probably find a way of giving the bike some sort of suspension effect when it hits the ground
Hey JohnPapiomitis would it be ok if I made a video tutorial on how to make one of these games and say watch out for your game that will come to the app store? Also I here is my channel and I get a good amount of views on my videos
JohnPapiomitis said: Well im thinking if you flip over and land straight on your back and cant flip right over then you would restart the level. So ill probably constrain 3 invisible actors on the top left and right of the biker and have a timer so if its on one side for to long you start over. Ill still have them setup so you can wheelie though and it wont think you flipped over and itll let you keep the wheelie if you can balance it:)
Careful with constrains and timers - both can hurt FPS ALOT!
I would get this part of your game working before doing anything else. You don't want to layout a bunch of levels just to find that GS can't handle the constrains and timers. The new update may handle constrains and timers better, who knows?
juzcook said: Love it, good to see it in action! With the bike, are you going to be doing the wheels separate? That way you could probably find a way of giving the bike some sort of suspension effect when it hits the ground
Thats exactly what i was thinking! so i could animate the wheels spinning and add some sort of suspension/ landing with it. im glad you like it!
It does look good but it might need a 'creative angle' to give it some personality and some cool graphics to give it a professional finish...
For example, why not give it an 80's 'BMX Bandits' (cheezy kids movie) feel and have retro ghetto blasters, tube socks, big hair, 80's icons etc... Using the colors and styles would be virbrant
you can watch the movie on youtube but you could use it as a loose plot for the game...
debugdesign said: It does look good but it might need a 'creative angle' to give it some personality and some cool graphics to give it a professional finish...
For example, why not give it an 80's 'BMX Bandits' (cheezy kids movie) feel and have retro ghetto blasters, tube socks, big hair, 80's icons etc... Using the colors and styles would be virbrant
you can watch the movie on youtube but you could use it as a loose plot for the game...
That is a really good idea! I ride bmx so i know exactly what your talking about. The colors and everything definetly would be awesome. Not sure if i wanna go that route or just keep it simple. People keep telling me different things haha. Its not just gona be flips though, your gonna be able to do tricks to so i was just working on those animations before i polish up the graphics. Thanks for all the nice comments guys its gettin me pumped!
Tuck no hander Graphic (possibly icon with alot more pop added to it?)
Thanks for uploading the template as well, it's helped speed me up on another project!
Surprisingly its only at 247kb so im not worried about the size yet. Thanks again!
Also I here is my channel and I get a good amount of views on my videos
Cheers, Weswog
I would get this part of your game working before doing anything else. You don't want to layout a bunch of levels just to find that GS can't handle the constrains and timers. The new update may handle constrains and timers better, who knows?
And thanks alot for the heads up scitunes. Im working on that right now to see how it pans out. Ill keep you all posted!
What's the performance like on a device?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
For example, why not give it an 80's 'BMX Bandits' (cheezy kids movie) feel and have retro ghetto blasters, tube socks, big hair, 80's icons etc... Using the colors and styles would be virbrant
you can watch the movie on youtube but you could use it as a loose plot for the game...
now that takes me back.
That's the bike I used to have in the 80's. (or similar)
I had blue tires on mine, and mushroom grips ;o)
Tuck no hander Graphic (possibly icon with alot more pop added to it?)