Hi - NOOB Developer movingto Mac/Game Salad
I'm an amateur game developer, nothing too serious or great but have re-created some retro games using Game Maker, Game Editor and various other PC packages out there.
I bought an iPhone4, instantly wanted an iPad - got that so now want to start developing for both.
I understand that the PC is not great to do this and as I don't own a Mac was thinking of running a Virtual machine of Mac (I will buy the software appropriately). Can Game Salad be run, tested and fully publishing via a Mac VMWare?
If not then is there anyway to use a Drag n Drop interface to develop games on the iPad please. I want to recreate some retro classics which I used to love for the Commodore 64 (I know there is an emulator on iStore already), Amiga, Game & Watch and a few others.
None of the games I want to create are on the Store so thought what the hell - lets join the developer program (still to be done after I find out how to create) and get creating....
Comments and suggestions would be most welcome.
I'm an amateur game developer, nothing too serious or great but have re-created some retro games using Game Maker, Game Editor and various other PC packages out there.
I bought an iPhone4, instantly wanted an iPad - got that so now want to start developing for both.
I understand that the PC is not great to do this and as I don't own a Mac was thinking of running a Virtual machine of Mac (I will buy the software appropriately). Can Game Salad be run, tested and fully publishing via a Mac VMWare?
If not then is there anyway to use a Drag n Drop interface to develop games on the iPad please. I want to recreate some retro classics which I used to love for the Commodore 64 (I know there is an emulator on iStore already), Amiga, Game & Watch and a few others.
None of the games I want to create are on the Store so thought what the hell - lets join the developer program (still to be done after I find out how to create) and get creating....
Comments and suggestions would be most welcome.
Buy a really cheap mac mini and hook it up to your monitor or get a macbook
Also welcome to the forums/community!
Cheers, Weswog
I never knew vmware let you run osx on a windows machine
do you know if do apple support this setup if i join the developer program though?
My thoughts also turn to buying a cheap Mini Mac though - is there a minimum spec to produce Apps for the AppStore and using xCode and Game Salad, as I found one on eBay for £149 but its only a 1Ghz Mini Mac?
If you want to fiddle and spend your life messing around then go for it. If not the buy a cheap intel mac, gamesalad does not need high specs.
Typing this from my new macbook air 11 inch (its super awesome!).
for the proper apple experience buy an apple.
Just out of interest, what is the minimum mac spec including software for xcode and game salad as I want to begin developing for the iPad/iPhone.
always check out the Apple Store online... refurbished models are great as they are cheaper and they have full warrantee.
last month I got a brand new MacBook for $649...
if you have the monitor, keyboard, mouse, mic, etc... the MacMinis are a super buy.