Thanks For The Update GS! It's awesome !JK!
Thanks For The Update GS! It's awesome ! The new behaviors with the simplified math functions with visual examples next to each function is an amazing idea. The array feature well I'll have to play with that more. Oh and the new music and sound controls with mixer style effects are fantastic. Being able to start and stop and blend music files. I never would have thought of that, very cool. But the real kicker Universal App, we have all been waiting for this but never thought it would come true. I just wanted to say thanks! And how could I forget PAUSE. You guys really came through! As I wipe the sleep from my eyes, I think if I just go back to sleep it will all be real again.
Was this necessary?
I just switched off my mac, when I saw this and switched it immediately on again, just to read further and realise, that you are a f**ing idiot.
Next time keep your sarcasm to a real event.
If you are bored, play with your willy.
I agree this should be closed because it is stupid, 3 minutes of my life wasted
Listen to Hunnenkoenig
I have three wives :-P