Too similar to Angry Birds backgrounds?

I'm not one for clones, but I happen to be doing a slingshot game inspired by Angry Birds.. different gameplay though. I took a look at a lot of games and settled on a background style as follows. However I did take visual cues from AB and I'm wondering if this artwork and and the fact that it's going to be in a slingshot game might get me in trouble.
Desert Background
I'm talking style by the way. The ground is very similar. The background desert image is pretty much a different style.
Desert Background
I'm talking style by the way. The ground is very similar. The background desert image is pretty much a different style.
Hopes this helps
I'm kinda on the same boat:
There's just so much that has already been done (especially in the cartoon arena), that is almost impossible not to have something similar to what is already out there.
I tried the background ingame last night for the first time and strangely enough, it seems as if the ground and foreground actors are in the shade with a bright desert behind them. Doesn't affect the gameplay much, but shows how much I still have to learn about proper use of colors and shading, not to mention proper layout and sizing. The rock formation may be too large, since when the camera moves in, there is a lot of pink behind the play area. :P If I made the game on the iPad however, then it would be perfectly fine.
Here is the color corrected version of the image (dunno what happened with the color profile on my machine):
Desert Background with color correction
Since people like it, I thought I may as well update it to the proper image.
They don't own slingshot copyright, or cool vector backgrounds....
I had some very 'unhappy' looking birds in my game quake builder...the gameplay was nothing at all like angry birds, but at the time I wanted to add an unlockable feature so created my own birds that come and try and knock down the towers you've built.