You should not need to change any resolution on any of the scene attributes if that is what you are doing.
To create a game for the high resolution devices, create your game for a low resolution device (480x320), and just use art that is twice the size(and check the Resolution Independence box in the Project editor)
Ok, thanks thats what i'm currently doing on another project, but why cant i make a 960 by 640 scene with touch? And arent you supposed to change the scene size for making iphone 4 games? Also do you know when gamesalad direct is coming out?
To make the scene bigger you change the scene attribute size, not the game size or resolutuin. And if he knows anything about direct im sure hes not alloud to say, or else there would be a yellow post. Hope i helped.
You can make the scene bigger, but it is what is in the Camera area that matters. And the camera size should not be changed unless you really know what you are doing with some fancy stuff like zooming.
The coordinate system will be the same for all iphones and iPod touches. It is just which image is used that makes the difference on how good it looks.
If you are creating a game for the Retina Display, check the 'Enable Resolution Independence' checkbox and use bigger art.
To create a game for the high resolution devices, create your game for a low resolution device (480x320), and just use art that is twice the size(and check the Resolution Independence box in the Project editor)
The coordinate system will be the same for all iphones and iPod touches. It is just which image is used that makes the difference on how good it looks.
If you are creating a game for the Retina Display, check the 'Enable Resolution Independence' checkbox and use bigger art.