hmm i just made something do a 360 rotation just to check and it worked fine. So not sure what the problem is. If you want it to just rotate 360 then stop have it rotate with enough time and speed to complete the 360 and have a rule when rotation= 360 change motion to 0 and it will only rotate 360 then stop
Um, I've still got trouble with this, I've tried interpolating self.Rotation to self.Rotation+ 360 and it rotates my actor way too many times. I just need a simple one time 360 rotation counterclockise when my character rolls left and a one time 360 rotation clockwise when he rolls right. I have the direction down just, how do I get a perfect 360"?
@JohnPapiomitis Um what do you mean by Motion? I see 4 categories under it(I am trying all of them now as I posted this) which are Linear Velocity(x,y), Angular Velocity, Max Speed and Apply Max Speed
Okay I noticed why it rotated like crazy, I had fixed rotation on(Using Interpolating), but now two things left, when I interpolate my self.Rotation attribute to self.Rotation+360, I need it to be able to rotate counterclockwise, so far it only rotates clockwise.
There are dozens of things, which could rotate an actor by a dozen of techniques...
@JohnPapiomitis Um what do you mean by Motion? I see 4 categories under it(I am trying all of them now as I posted this) which are Linear Velocity(x,y), Angular Velocity, Max Speed and Apply Max Speed