A months worth of work for nothing!?!?! OMG PLEASE HELP!

TechnoDaveTechnoDave Member Posts: 103
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
So I sent over a month working everyday on a game for the iPad. Inside GameSalad, and when I do a build for the desktop everything works great. So I assumed when I tested it on the iPad, it would also work. But when I put it on my iPad last night I get a total crash every single time I lunch the game!!!!

Has this happened to anyone else?

So I started putting apart the game and noticed that a rotating .png file on each level was causing the crash for those levels. After deleting it, I got the main screen to work, but now when I try to open the first level I again get a total crash!!!!!

Why oh why is this happening?????


  • WeswogWeswog Member Posts: 1,171
    Ok a few checks
    Do you have
    -The screens autorotate for iPad ON
    -Is the game really a large file?
    -How many timers/actions do you have running?

    Cheers, Weswog
  • VoidedSkyVoidedSky Member Posts: 1,095
    This happened to me with my first app. Make sure the images have the smallest file size as possible, my images were too large, in file size, and it made my app crash on the device.
  • TechnoDaveTechnoDave Member Posts: 103
    @ tshirtbooth, I am not using the viewer. I just did a build and put it on my iPad. The view is something else right?

    @Weswog, you told me to check
    -The screens autorotate for iPad ON
    -Is the game really a large file?
    -How many timers/actions do you have running?

    Where is auto-rotate? Should it be on?
    The whole game is 18mbs. I wouldn't think that was to large
    I have one timer running every .01

    @CowTechMan, do you know what the limit is? Is that limit per image, or for everything in the scene?

    @Everyone, THANK YOU for the quick answers!!!!
  • TechnoDaveTechnoDave Member Posts: 103
    I have an image sequence that I am using to animate a sun. The total image sequence comes out to be 4.2mbs and is about 340 images long. Do any of you think that may be the issue? What's the largest a single image could safely be in a scene? Are there any guidelines on this stuff?
  • TechnoDaveTechnoDave Member Posts: 103

    currently doing a build on that right now. So do you know if GameSalad tries to load in everything when a game starts up, or it loads things scene by scene?
  • TechnoDaveTechnoDave Member Posts: 103
    Ohhhhhhh, ok..... So if I have 20 images in scene 1 and 20 images in scene 2, when the game starts it's going to load 40 images?

    Also is an image is duplicated of several scenes does is get loaded many times or just once? For example if I have 1 background image that I use in 20 different scenes, will it get loaded once, or 20 times?

    Thanks again for your help!!
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