GameSalad and Mac OS X 10.5

To all GameSalad developers,
We’re in super crunch mode here at GameSalad HQ, and the new update is just about ready. It is still scheduled to launch concurrently with our new membership program and it’s pretty impressive in terms of improvements. I did want to take a moment, however, to share a little information with you on the new update.
Starting with this next release, GameSalad will no longer be compatible with Mac OS X 10.5. We’ve supported Leopard for a long time, but Apple no longer supports 10.5 to an extent that makes it feasible for us to continue as well. Apple’s development tools no longer function on 10.5, including the code-signing tools required to build a proper binary for the iOS App Store.
By dropping OS X 10.5, we’ll have more development time to focus on improvements for the Creator within 10.6 and even start looking ahead to and taking advantage of the features of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.
We understand that some of you may still be using 10.5 in order to make games for the website or Mac OS. If you are still running 10.5 Leopard, we urge you to take the time and upgrade to 10.6 now. Trust us, it’s quite an improvement.
To upgrade to Mac OS X 10.6, check the link below.
Mac OS X version 10.6.3 Snow Leopard
We’re in super crunch mode here at GameSalad HQ, and the new update is just about ready. It is still scheduled to launch concurrently with our new membership program and it’s pretty impressive in terms of improvements. I did want to take a moment, however, to share a little information with you on the new update.
Starting with this next release, GameSalad will no longer be compatible with Mac OS X 10.5. We’ve supported Leopard for a long time, but Apple no longer supports 10.5 to an extent that makes it feasible for us to continue as well. Apple’s development tools no longer function on 10.5, including the code-signing tools required to build a proper binary for the iOS App Store.
By dropping OS X 10.5, we’ll have more development time to focus on improvements for the Creator within 10.6 and even start looking ahead to and taking advantage of the features of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.
We understand that some of you may still be using 10.5 in order to make games for the website or Mac OS. If you are still running 10.5 Leopard, we urge you to take the time and upgrade to 10.6 now. Trust us, it’s quite an improvement.
To upgrade to Mac OS X 10.6, check the link below.
Mac OS X version 10.6.3 Snow Leopard
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...thankfully I already upgraded to snow leopard
So we can plan and release games with the update or before.
Thanks for the info.
GameSalad obviously knows what its new subscription model and payment system is going to be, so why not just give everyone the details instead of playing games with us.
I dont see the need for having to release everything at once.... surely giving us the full details of the new subscription model, and even a list of what the new update includes, ahead of their release gives the community time to digest the information, instead of dragging things out, and turning it into a bit of a frenzy all at once.
Yoda told us recently that the release, and new subs were a week away.... then in a follow up post that turned into " the coming weeks".... now its "just about ready"... so maybe its about time to just give us some solid/useful info for once.
I can recommend Snow Leopard to anyone. The startup time is much shorter, the overall stability is better and so on. And it's very, very cheap, too.
Think I'll take the plunge anyway and see what happens there... encouraged by the words of @Cap in the post above!
Thanks for the heads up, Yodapollo.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Thanks for the update.
Question: Is "Snap-2-Grid" or some form of guides included?
As far as 10.5 goes, we are not supporting it. I'm not saying it won't run in Leopard, but I wouldn't expect any crashes/bugs that are unique to Leopard to be fixed. The upcoming release of GameSalad is designed for 10.6 and above. It may be possible to run on 10.5, but we wouldn't recommend it and we are not supporting it. I hope that answers your question.
Thanks! We're working on some communication changes that I'm very excited about and include me getting to say a little more than I've been able to do in the past. In fact, you can expect to see a lot more of us here, as well as Facebook and Twitter very soon.
I understand your frustration and we're making some changes to improve on that front. I made a special announcement about the change is basic requirements specifically because it is solid/useful info. If those members of our community were not aware of the change before the release, they stood a very good chance of downloading software that wouldn't work properly with their system.
As for other information, such a membership levels, we're still tweaking some details and, at the same time, trying to fix a couple of lingering bugs in the Creator that we really want to get resolved with this next release. I wouldn't want to give details that would later turn out to be untrue. I'm sorry if that's meant I've been more on the vague side of things.
We were hoping to launch this week, but as I said above, we're still trying to resolve a couple of lingering bugs we really want to get fixed in this release. I can't commit to firm date, but we're almost there and I'd like to thank the entire community for their patience.
Cheers, Weswog
Welp, I'm not making any more games until early 2011.
I'm stuck with Leopard and have no money to upgrade to Snow Leopard(I have $36 dollars, and that has to last me until January).
Anyhow, you were right QS; thanks!
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
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I haven't made any games since then, and now won't be able to for a bit.
(it's a curse)
Glad it worked - you'll also find there's an extra 8gig of hard drive space you'll have got back after installing snow leopard
It's a win-win all round really!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
So I guess I won't be seeing you guys until the new year for sure now.
Same for me