Wish List Help
I am a basic GS student and have developed a great game. I have already began efforts to acquire the needed art work.
Much of the GS work will be "the basics" - but there are many things that I do not know how to do.
How do you suggest I go about getting this game made.
1. Do I take the time to "learn" as I go - asking for help on the board. Basically teach myself (which actually would be the "learning experience" that I need)
2. Do as much as I can and get help.
3. Are there board members that can be "hired" to help.
Much of the GS work will be "the basics" - but there are many things that I do not know how to do.
How do you suggest I go about getting this game made.
1. Do I take the time to "learn" as I go - asking for help on the board. Basically teach myself (which actually would be the "learning experience" that I need)
2. Do as much as I can and get help.
3. Are there board members that can be "hired" to help.
But also because if you have another cool idea or update you will be able to do it yourself and this time better and quicker.
I want to "touch" an actor - have it "move to" and "rotate" to a predetermined position and then "change image"
I know how to use the "touch" rule and the "move to" behavior.
How can I get the image to rotate while moving to its new location and then have the image change
Wish #2 tomorrow.
Need to "touch" actor A and have "actor" B move to were actor A was touched.
Is it possible to control the speed at which actor A moves to actor B. Right now it just appears. I would like to actually see actor A while it moves.
How can I make actor A rotate while it moves to actor B?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
You know - touch actor A (which moves it around to aim) and have it shoot/launch object B.
If it hits the desired target C - there will be an outcome
If it does not hit desired target C - there will be NO outcome.
Templates - examples out there?
Any demos or templates for using "touch" to aim a weapon and when "touch" is released
an object is shot. If the object hits a target a action takes place - otherwise if it misses nothing.
I got to -"constrain attribute:" - self.Rotation
Heres were I am having trouble. I cant seem to find the "vector to Angle" expression to. Any help? Heres what I need to get to.
To: - vectorToAngle( game.fireHitX - self.Position.X , game.fireHitY - self.Position.Y )
Forget that for now.
I want to vary the angle of an actor using the mouse and when I let go the angle stays put.
Kind of like many of the cannon templates but cant seem to get them to work.
What if I want to randomly choose the angle with the mouse?
vectorToAngle( game.fireHitX - self.Position.X , game.fireHitY - self.Position.Y )
Heres what is directly from the tutorial.
vectorToAngle( game.fireHitX - self.Position.X , game.fireHitY - self.Position.Y )
I added the fireHitX, fireHitY and fireHit to the game attributes.
BUT IT WONT WORK. Its supposed to change the actor angle with the mouse.