looking for a good rock composer

If anyone can recommend someone with a solid background in producing rock tracks similar to the feel of Thiago's "DynaMiners" (found on his website's miniplayer www.trilhasonora.com), I'd sure appreciate it.
Thiago is very friendly, but he is a caliber above what a brand new hobbyist developer (like myself) can afford = $300 per minute of music composed. O_o
Thiago is very friendly, but he is a caliber above what a brand new hobbyist developer (like myself) can afford = $300 per minute of music composed. O_o
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
*EDITED TITLE OF THREAD to say composer, not artist*
check out the tune white blood cells attack (try to imagine it without lyrics as it is meant to be a science lesson for middle/high schools). I could do something similar to that if you're interested.
Just email me at dan at scitunes dot com and let me know what you are willing to spend.
EDIT: That song is meant to be a bit of a parody of metal music so I can certainly be more subtle about it!
contact me at marcosriffel@hotmail.com
I have no idea what he charges, but he can write any style of music and he's a fantastic human being.
(The previous is not an endorsement of Mr. Zizza by GameSalad. The opinions expressed above are my own, and not that of GameSalad).
Hey, if your checking his song out, do me favor and click the facebook like button. He is trying to enter a contest and needs all the "likes" he can get.
here the link
Just joined the GS frenzy myself...I've been making rock music for a while. If you want, check out my site www.musicanon.com/music
The most balls to the wall would be the track Marta, Pobrecita near the bottom. If you'd like to use any of the music let me know!