GameSalad Were Getting Impatient



  • ToastKittenToastKitten Member Posts: 360
    ipwnu said:
    they're = they are

    their => possessors of something

    there => a place

    This statement is true to your name :D
  • SnowSnow Member Posts: 124
    hdeanda said:
    I learned something about developers or programmers or whatever they want to call themselves, 99.99% don't really want to make programming "easier"!!! They want programming to stay the way it is, useful for themselves but like alien cryptography to everyone else. Why? So they can earn the big bucks at their silicon valley jobs or where ever. Job security.

    That's actually not how it is. Ever see a website that was completely written in HTML in notepad vs a website that was designed in Photoshop and fine tuned in Dreamweaver? Stark difference. Either way you still have to know HTML (at least), JavaScript, possibly PHP. Just that having a visual interface and an easier way of doing mundane things like creating a table for instance is a lot more favorable than having to image it in our heads, constantly tap numbers on a calculator and scour source code in notepad for errors. Blegh. We programmers have a difficult job to do since, it is still not easy to make the programs we want. Personally, I find coding to be a very primitive and archaic form of building an application. I hate it, but at the same time love it too as I'm a geek and love it when I solve a problem in my logic and get my function to work. When IDE's with error checking got better, it was a dream for us. Unfortunately in order to program, you still have to know code or at least how things work as a system. If there is a better way to do programs without having to read through code or even requiring coding, I would jump on it. If there were utilities like GameSalad that could output very efficient programs written in Java, PHP, C#, J#, JavaScript, ActionScript, I would kill for that. But even then, even if such utilities existed that could output in any language or just make the perfect Windows, Mac or Linux app, it still takes a considerable amount of work to design the app in terms of logic, interfacing, etc. Our jobs would still be tough. :D Anyway, back to my VB.Net project. VB code... Ugh.
  • vegasmike1vegasmike1 Member Posts: 192
    @surge You are one whiny beatch, you are doing no good with your childish prattle. Shut up, and wait for these folks to do whatever they are going to do, if it sucks, say so, but take a pill and chill. Go to a movie, take your girl friend out, get lucky, forget this GS stuff for a while, life is so short and NO ONE Likes a person who is so negative. You points no matter how formidable you think they are, are just like a little kid trying to get his way.
    I have made comments that GS needs to improve it communications between them and the client base, they never sent me an email saying you are right but two days later, info starting coming, Twitter QandA happened, they had a show. Just back off, and wait, your comments are worthless.
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    Look at all of us slapping at each other with our your comments are worthless and attacking all of our improper vocabulary there they're their heck even the thread title is improper Were (we're).
    We are beyond tired and impatient over all this f@@);.$&:?:($; BS and the multi month ordeal we have all been through.
    I just want answers that are very simple to answer. Are we getting pause, mic, gps, magnetometer, and camera behaviors (pictures)? Answer these things and I may be sad or happy but at least I'll know.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Chaser said:
    I just want answers that are very simple to answer. Are we getting pause, mic, gps, magnetometer, and camera behaviors (pictures)? Answer these things and I may be sad or happy but at least I'll know.

    No. Not in .9

    Now you know!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • YodapolloYodapollo Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 447
    Sorry, guys.

    I understand everyone's frustration. Trust me, it's frustrating for us as well, anytime we miss an internal deadline or we have to bump a release back. Anytime you refactor as much as we have in a single update, you're going to encounter an incredible amount of unforeseen bugs and chore issues. It's not an excuse for how long it's taken, but it is the truth.

    At the same time, I don't think this thread is doing anything other than fuel a flame war. Shutting it down.

    Also, unless I'm mistaken, our publishing servers are down for some maintenance. Expect other outages throughout the site over the next few hours.

This discussion has been closed.