changed out my pngs to smaller file sizes now crashes everytime HELP!

jetsetcrashjetsetcrash Member Posts: 17
edited November -1 in Tech Support
So I got a little over eager with my first game and noticed on the home page that after designing one level a title scene and a reset scene I was already up to 11.2mb! I deleted some audio files and got it down a few mb. I then went and imported smaller pngs where I had been using a larger image then necessary. Down to 4.6mb...better! Now game salad crashes everytime I try to preview in the application and in the web browser. I saw this thread:

they mention how the scene icons were blank on the home screen for the crashing scenes, My title scene is blank in the icon as well and my level one scene shows one of the older graphic elements I threw away. Is this causing the problem? Should I delete game salad and reinstall. I realy don't want to start my project over from scratch...


  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    I wouldn't start the game over, especially if you've put a lot of time into it!

    I've had this happen before where I deleted some graphics that I uploaded, and then the game was crashing because something was off...

    Were any of the sounds or graphics that you deleted associated with any rules within that level?

    Sometimes it's like finding a needle in a haystack, but search through some of your rules and make sure none of them have blanks in the expression editor.

    If you've deleted either graphics or sounds that were once used in rules within actors, make sure you check that those actors rules haven't changed.

    Trust me, this has happened to me on a game I spent months on, and I eventually figured out a rule had a blank in the expression editor
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    something similar happened to me too, it sounds like maybe you've got a rule that's dependent on a graphic or sound file you deleted, I'd start checking there.
  • jetsetcrashjetsetcrash Member Posts: 17
    everything looks's weird the reset screen doesn't crash but the title and level do. both of these do not have up to date preview icons on the home screen that shows the this the problem? I also changed a change image (when key is pressed image) on the actor who the camera follows...could this be the cause? I had changed this actors main image before without a problem. This actor is spawnable on the title screen and onscreen at the beginning of level one.

    should i look at the xmls?
  • GameSaladGameSalad Key Master, Member Posts: 33
    Double check the Otherwise section of the Rules too. One might be hiding there.
  • jetsetcrashjetsetcrash Member Posts: 17
    the assets xml still had some of the images i had deleted listed on it I took them off but it's still crashing...i've taken the actor who the camera follows and pasted him and all his behaviors into a new project and it doesn't crash. I thought he might be the problem as he is not in the one scene that still works but I guess not...any ideas? I suppose I could rebuild by copying and pasting behaviors one by one but I have read elsewhere in the forum that this is a bad idea
  • jetsetcrashjetsetcrash Member Posts: 17
    I FIXED IT! Thanks for the advice everyone, it real was a needle in a invisible actor who's only job was to spawn another actor was trying to play a sound I'd thrown away...

    Thanks for advising me to go over it with a fine tooth comb...
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    yes! Sometimes it is a real needle in the haystack.

    I had that same prob too! All my levels were crashing, so one by one I started to delete actors until I ruled out which "Actor" Was causing the problem

    Then it's onto what rule INSIDE the actor is causing it...

    Finally after looking at one of my collide rules in my MANY rules in that one actor, I found in the expression editor a variable was missing, one tiny little blip can make all the difference!
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