Oh My God! [Bleep]
I just got onto the GS website, and I do like the new pricing structure, but if I knew that the service was going to be free, I would not have bought an express membership. I'm pissed, but I can't imagine how pissed the users who paid just last month are. GS, will be refunding people who actually paid the $99? I feel as though I have wasted $99.
PS: But it's good to know that I'll only have to pay for my Apple Dev Account! It's a conflict for me, I love and hate the new pricing structure.
PS: But it's good to know that I'll only have to pay for my Apple Dev Account! It's a conflict for me, I love and hate the new pricing structure.
I still need to know if advertisements are forced in the free version. If so, bye GS.
There is no forced adverts...its just the forced GameSalad loading screen.
So at least we got that question answered... (cheers Yoda)
I also thought that Direct was going to be one of the tiers also. Guess that income stream is gone too.
I think no mather what, there's people that always going to complaint...
Direct is gone, it's true, but we're not entirely through with publishing. Far from it, actually. We'll be announcing a publishing service, which developers will be able to apply for, this coming Tuesday.
- Yodapollo
Express for $99
Professional for $499
Elite for $1999 (no splash screens)
I'm not sure of the logic for the change. I'm certainly not complaining, as $99 for Professional is a lot better than the $1999 I almost paid for Pro. I am concerned though. Will the GameSalad team have enough money to keep the lights on?
Also, I suggest that the moderators clean up the title of the thread. It's blasphemous.