increased memory usage and bugs with 0.9 viewer

chicopchicop Member Posts: 263
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
so with the new update this is what ive noticed so far.

for one GS works faster which is great.. and my game runs pretty smoothly.

on the other hand ive noticed a slight increase in memory usage.. about 3,4 mb's or so
plus when i use a camera controller that i have to scroll the screen the viewer starts to flicker
and causes a jerk in the cams movement.. plus i see grafix blend through others on the other parts of the cams screen..

also i can only test my game in the GS viewer once.. then i have to restart as somehow it looses its connection with GS and does not come back..

i hope this will disappear.. i used to have that i would get a different memory read depending on how long GS viewer had been open and how many times i went back and forth between GS and the viewer


  • chicopchicop Member Posts: 263
    ok so went to bed, hoped this would pass but its consistent.

    so since i did not want to fill in a ton of text an pics just to get a adhoc build on my phone.. (can we please change the submit thing back) i'm hoping some one did and noticed that on the phone their stuff works great
    but in the new GS viewer they have bugs

    so far no better memory for me and definitely issues when user controls the camera
  • chicopchicop Member Posts: 263

    camera is still flickering and layering images when user moves it.. also on phone..

    i guess the camera controll doesnt work good any more?

    or maybe there is a new way to do it.

    at the moment i use a camzoom integer that i set to true or false then interpolate it with easy in and out to the coordinates i need it to go plus a constrain attribute game.camoffset to x and y
  • chicopchicop Member Posts: 263
    ok i found the solution which il describe here in case some one runs into the same issue.

    in my case i have and actor that the camera needs to follow but the user can also look ahead by pannin the camera to different parts of the screen. in version 0.8 this worked fine by giving them all a control camera attribute. however 0.9 is more specific and this was causing the flickering.. since it read all 3 camera controlers and basically bounced the camera up and down on 1 frame.

    i had to create a boolean that i called camcontrol and i basically now switch who has control of the camera at specific commands.

    so problem solved, all is working wel

    embracing the update :-)
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    Good to hear that you managed to solve the camera problem !
    BUT , that does not mean the bigger problem is solved, increased memory usage when it suppose to decrease !
    I thought that my current game will work on 2nd and 1st generation, but there is no different in RAM usage from 0.89, it even worse for me.
    I must say im quite disappointed with performance at 0.9
    i had several crashes, and the GScreator often dont recognize my iphone for preview.
    I hope they fix those issues with 0.91
  • chicopchicop Member Posts: 263
    for the gs creator not recognizing the iphone.. try closing your project and then re-opening it.. or even close GS and then re-open.. i have after i test on the gs viewer that i can only test once before going through the above steps.

    i had a really weird thing with the memory.. yesterday i was at 35.5 mb per level... this was 4 mb's more then 0.89 version.. but then this morning the levels were back to 31mb's .. this really tells me the GS viewer is not very accurate and the only sure tale thing is to test on devices.. the gs viewer is a bit of a random there about indicator seems
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