My background covers all other actors - help :)

xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
i was searching for help on how to set a background but found only scrolling topics which are not useful to me and some arguments about photoshop ....

Here is my simple question!

I have about 30 actors in a scene and need a white background for the game.

How is that done is GS?

thanks :)


  • mzxmzx Member Posts: 151
    Just drag the "<name of your background actor>" in the scene tab, to a lower level or right click on the actor and click "Sent To Back". I hope this will solve your problem ;).
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    You can globally set the colour of the background for the scene. Go to the scene your want to be and in the top left area where you see your actors you should be able to switch to scene this shows scene attributes it should be there ( don't have GS in front of me at the moment) should be global game setting for this as well think.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    You could also make layers. You set your layers up so all of your background actors are in one layer and then order your layers so that the back ground layer is always in the back.
  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    WOW, GREAT help, thanks guys :)

    I was just watching a bunch of tutorials and know a lot more than I did this morning!

    SingleSparq provided the option I will use as my BG needs to be white throughout the game.

    But what mzx and tenrdrmer have suggested will come in handy as I work on the actors :)

    I am not clear on what is the best way to make a "piano key like" movement. I know I can use an actor but the animation part of how something is pushed and than reversed is so far not mentioned in a tutorial.

    Any clues?
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    The animation of the push will mean you have to create a bunch of images for the "push" search for a .gif of a piano key being pushed down and then you can split apart all the frames to get a better idea or if its free. You can use those images
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    I would use 2 images. Image 1 normal key. Image 2 key pressed down. Then create the actor with normal key, add rule when pressed... Attrubute change image to image 2. Should revert to image1 when you release ( if not use the same change image attribute in the press rules 'else' area with image 1 instead of 2.
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