GS said it was built in a newer version?

kadinshinokadinshino Member Posts: 82
edited November -1 in Tech Support
So im running .90 the latest GS viewer. and iv been working on one of my apps trying to get the graphics updated and whatnot. well it started giving me an error saying GS cannot open because it was made in a newer verson of GS.

HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? i started getting heavily confused. i re-installed GS with a new download from the GS web page thinking this would fix it. but nope. still giving me the same issue.

thanks for any thoughts or help :)


  • YodapolloYodapollo Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 447

    I'm forwarding this to our Customer Service team. Is there anyway to could copy/paste the exact phrasing of the error message? it would help our Support team immensely. Thanks and we should get this resolved soon.

    - Yodapollo
  • kadinshinokadinshino Member Posts: 82
    GS could not open game file because it was created by an newer version of gamesalad. then it just gives me the spinning logo of doom and crashes. Thanks!
  • dmcdowelldmcdowell Member Posts: 128
    Kadinshino, you win the prize for weirdest bug so far this release! When you created your game IN THE FUTURE, were there hoverboards? I must know. Seriously, this is an awesome bug. I'm sorry you're experiencing it, though.

    I am sending you a PM.
  • LordTarantorLordTarantor Member, PRO Posts: 890
    Stop using the DeLorean guys... its my turn...
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