Rrrrgh! Photics, incredibly frustrating trying to get your book.

First it wasn't available on the ibookstore, then it was, then I couldn't complete the purchase and now it seems it's only available in the US store and not the Canadian store. Anyone else here in Canada having this problem? I absolutely hate the Canadian store restrictions. I should be free to buy from the US store if I pay Apple money. My science!
UPDATE: Checked again and now it is no longer available in the US store as well. Is there a problem with it?
I found it last night, but didn't attempt a second purchase... was going to do it today.
UPDATE: Checked again and now it is no longer available in the US store as well. Is there a problem with it?
I found it last night, but didn't attempt a second purchase... was going to do it today.
GameSalad has been updated. That means the book needs to be updated too.
However, when a book has an ISBN, you can only do so much updating before the ISBN needs to be updated too. I feel that I've made too many changes to the book to continue using the current ISBN. But unfortunately, a new ISBN is $125. I don't feel that the book sales on the iBookstore justify that cost. I took the book down. (There's also a separate unresolved issue with the iBookstore.) There's no need to involve the iBookstore. It certainly hasn't made the book more popular.
The plan is to put the book exclusively on my website...
It's less expensive to buy the book direct.
Later today, the PDF version will be removed and replaced with the new ePub version. The ePub version can be put in iBooks manually. It's great. The new ePub version will contain information for the 0.9.0 update.
Anyway, thanks for the response. Sorry for the lack of tags... not used to it. :P
Yeah, I stopped posting. I was staying off the forums. I don't like how the communication was handled. If someone has a problem with the way I'm using tags, then the GameSalad team should just contact me. They shouldn't just delete them without telling me why.
With better communication, this whole GameSalad Direct® thing could have been avoided... the new splash screen would have been less of an issue too.
Instead of getting involved with the drama, I simply went back to making games. Wow, I got a lot done. This forum is fun, but it's also distracting. I was using tags to keep track of things.
You're right about favorites though. That does do the same thing. See what communication can accomplish?
It even has an RSS feed. If you want, I can put the book online, but it's going to be old... with no updates. Why would you want to do that though? It's cheaper if you order direct and you can get an updated copy. Since I cannot verify who ordered through the iBookstore, there are no plans to offer an update to the textbook through the iBookstore.
A lot has changed with the publishing instructions, so I have to fix those chapters. Hey, don't frown at me!
I liked having the book on the iBookstore, but it wasn't working out. I have an idea to fix this problem, but I'm not sure if it will work. Should I manage to make it work, do you want me to contact you?
Does your book show how to save after each level. I have a game with 30 levels and would like a save button after each level.
Thank you.
there is a small chance that you will be reading this so here it goes ....
I also would like to buy your book, especially if you cover how to test a game locally by installing the gs viewer (which I am not able to do)
When are you expecting to have the update ready?
Good luck with your battle with Apple! (in case you need it)