iAds: iPhone 4 only?

This is somewhat incomprehensible to me.
"In order to make easier for users to create a single project that works with as many iPhone devices as possible, the “Show iAd” behavior will automatically be ignored by any device other than iPhone 4. To put it more simply, for those of you who have projects that run fine on all iPhones, you can still follow the steps for iAd integration, republish and the program will function just the same on 3G & 3GS as it always did."
So in other words, iAds only work on the iPhone 4?
"In order to make easier for users to create a single project that works with as many iPhone devices as possible, the “Show iAd” behavior will automatically be ignored by any device other than iPhone 4. To put it more simply, for those of you who have projects that run fine on all iPhones, you can still follow the steps for iAd integration, republish and the program will function just the same on 3G & 3GS as it always did."
So in other words, iAds only work on the iPhone 4?
If you click on NO, no iAd
According to the sentence, iAds on GameSalad won't display on a device other than an "iPhone 4".
I'm not trying to be "that guy". I'm just confused.
The iAd works perfectly (in the GS viewer)
Now i have to wait for my game update to be approved by apple, to see if iAd works on an official app release. But i'm from France, some of you guys, from the USA, will test it on your device and tell me
Although if I use the viewer on my phone, it can last minutes, until the test AD is showing up.
I don't know, if it is the same on a Live app. If yes, then that is not good.
But I too read that sentence, and was a little confused.
If that is the case, then it pretty much sucks.
Such things are software related, so it is probably iOS 4.
Where is that sentence written anyway? On GS?
People, get used to looking on apple's website for solutions and answers, if you don't know something. Everything else is just crap.
Don't ask apple related technical stuff on random forums, where everybody else is as clueless as you.
You all have an apple developer account. You have access to the whole documentation, FAQ and official forums.
Why even bother here?
3rd paragraph from the bottom.
It seems, iAD doesn't work on 3G, it seems, it works on 3GS though.
Maybe the GS guys programmed GS so, that it only works on iPhone4, because they didn't know either...
Can you guys, test the iAd on my game?
I'll announce the update when my game will approved
Q: Can I join the iAd Network and serve iAd advertising for my iOS 3 application?
A: Ads from the iAd Network can only run on iOS apps built with iOS SDK 4 and target iOS 4 as the minimum OS.
I made my iad game armv7 only.
I have to update it with retina display later :-)
Although the test ad was showing on 3G iOS 4.1 in the adhoc build for me.
So will the size of the actor determine the size of the iAd?
iAd will only show on the scene with the actor on it?
So will the size of the actor determine the size of the iAd?
iAd will only show on the scene with the actor on it?
you can add it to the background or to a separate actor.
It doesn't matter, how wide the actor is. The iad will always shown through the whole screen.
I don't know, if it is working on an ipad though... not until iOS 4.2 comes out for sure.
But there are a few people, who already linked the wiki section of GS, where it is exactly explained.
btw iPad iOS 4.2 is out since monday, so iAD is working on iPad too.