
giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
hello i have finally published my first application!!!
Here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/untouchable-1/id339430738?mt=8
plz rate 5 stars if u can :) im 14 today and this is my 1st application (dont judge to hard on me !! :) )
here are some promo codes:

thx again!


  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    can this post be seen? ive been having a couple of cases when it doesn't get published to the forum. just checking.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    fun game, but i'd increase the speed in which the red balls appear.

    Also, different backgrounds & different sized balls moving at different speeds :)
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    great ideas!! ive already submitted the next update unfortunately with a new game mode. i will surely include those ideas in the next updates.
    thx, fore the reply :)
  • WeswogWeswog Member Posts: 1,171
    fun yet simple:) Great Job!!!
    Used code WRJALMAJFJ36

    Cheers, Weswog
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    I just downloaded your game - thanks for the promocode. First let me say that I think it is awesome that you are 14 and making games for the iphone. I had fun playing the game and think it has a lot of potential. Here are my suggestions:

    1) Calibration - if you could give people a couple of choices (flat, 45, 60 maybe) - not sure how you would code this but I'm sure somebody on this forum would (cough, cough, tshirtbooth???)

    2) Acceleration of the player ball. I would set the acceleration higher and keep max speed where it is or even raise that a bit. The controls just aren't as responsive as I wished they were - I think raising the acceleration rate would help.

    3) Graphics - I don't think this game needs great graphics to be fun, but it may be cool to have different backgrounds. You could create images in a program like gimp or pixen (both free) for a background actor. You could then create a rule with a timer and change image so that every 30 seconds or so a new background appears. If you have photoshop (or the programs I mentioned earlier) you could probably give a bit of depth to the balls so they look more like balls and less like circles.

    Bottom line is that the game was fun to play. Great Job! I look forward to the updates and to future giacomopoppi games.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Great job! At age 14 creating games for the iphone, you should be on top of the world! :)) I'll purchase a copy from you and review it!! :) Again, fabulous job!
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    Thx guys for ure support!!
    @scitunes thx, I have copied your comment onto a file. And saved it. I will use your ideas in the next update. :) thx a lot
    @butterbean thx butterbean, I have always wanted to publish games for the iPhone since I was 10...finally I managed and my first app was published the day of my birthday!!!!!
    Another 2 of my apps are in the app store today, I will publish a review on the forums tonight.
    how long to update the ratings in an app in the iPhone?
    Where do i find how many copies I have sold?
    how long does it take to update the numer of copies sold?
    Thx again everyone!!!0
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    Only 2 days the updates?? ahh i didnt know that
    thx tshirtbooth :)
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    ahh ok thought so , no worries :)
    thx again
  • urhungryurhungry Member Posts: 112
    I used the first code. I haven't played much but so far it's great.
  • urhungryurhungry Member Posts: 112
    Update: this is very addictive. It's now one of my favorite apps. Great job!
    Only one complaint: I just made it to 18 and died from lag. Any way to fix this? Thx
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    Thx for the nice comment urhungry. I have noticed the lag too. I am trying to fix it but I thnk I will need tshirtbooths help. I'll sens him a mail today. I have already submitted the 2.0 version of this game so the fix will probambly go in the version 2.1. Sry about that.
    P.S. My record in the game is 33 balls!!!
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    P.s. People, if u liked it pls rate!!! :) thx
  • urhungryurhungry Member Posts: 112
    I can't rate. It is quite good though. When do u think the update will got through?
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    So the 2.0 will probably come through. Tomorrow or the day after. This update contains a new game mode. Then the bug fix will hopefully come in about 8-9 days if I get it finished today.
    How come u can't rate?
  • urhungryurhungry Member Posts: 112
    I'm not allowed to. I'm just a kid.
  • urhungryurhungry Member Posts: 112
    Oh and what did you do about the legal stuff? I don't want break any laws but I really want to do this too.
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    Nothing, I just signed up, accepted that I was 18 (even though I am 14) and paid. They don't say any thing or ask any documents. I had no problems with the registration. Thx:)
  • urhungryurhungry Member Posts: 112
    Ok great! Now I just need 200$... lol
  • urhungryurhungry Member Posts: 112
    Oh and one more thing... Happy birthday!
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    thx :D
  • urhungryurhungry Member Posts: 112
    I see that the update came out today. I think that the challenge mode is even better! Now if only it didn't lag so darn much. I hope u can fix this soon. Also I hope that it's getting lots of sales. It really deserves it.
  • alexxxhpalexxxhp Member Posts: 161
    Purchased it for 0.99 cents and rated 5 stars got to support the members :) cheers.
  • urhungryurhungry Member Posts: 112
    Another suggestion: maybe you could add an easy Mose where you simply loop from one side to the other instead of losing when you touch the eges. Not saying that u should remove the current way. I think that it's great how it is. It just might be too hard for some people. Also I saw that you have another game up. I hope to get a promo code for that one too, althogh I may just buy it. I do like your work.
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    yes guys thx , good ideas. i will make a big update but before that i need to fix the lag problem. ive sent the game to tshirtbooth to help me out and as soon as he can he will help me out.
    new game modes will be coming and i surely want to make your 0.99$ worth it! :) thx everybody
    P.S my new game has come out ( Bounce-A-Ball ), i will post the link in a new post in a couple of minutes.
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