Video features
Member Posts: 1
I would like to see some video file support. For example, I would like to be able to take my video and add it to my Game Salad game. The video could also be an intro/cutscene or ending.
I wish gamesalad had presets (or pre-made game elements) for all the major functions that people want (like game controls, HUD display, start/option menu, etc) where you can just use a preset of a character that has all the coding for gravity, back and forth running, jumping, shooting, etc and all you have to do is insert you own animation images in. Just drag-n-drop a preset of already finished elements of popular games and all you would have to do is use your own images (and of course add more features) using only switches and options from pull-down menus to fine tune the details. (Everything should be menu based and actors drag-n-drop with detailed options for each type of common actor for the limited games gamesalad can make).
No extra effort or an extra crew of programmers is needed to add a drag-n-drop system. All that is needed is organization of commonly used code into categories. (They can get people from the gamesalad forum to make some templates and code group categories if necessary). Then apply a drag-n-drop for these groups of coding (they already have this set up for behaviors, attributes and actors, so why not groups and templates?).