Should iads close between scenes?

paulitsmepaulitsme Member Posts: 109
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have just upgraded to pro and started using iads. I have it working but sometimes it closes when I change scenes and other times it stays open between scenes. I am just using the simulator at the moment but does anyone know how it behaves in actual builds?


  • paulitsmepaulitsme Member Posts: 109
    I've come to the conclusion that iads just behaves randomly in gamesalad 0.9. I'm a little bit annoyed after paying to upgrade for a feature that doesn't work properly.

    Maybe one day things will work.
  • xarmianxarmian Member Posts: 124
    Agreed. I ranted on another post so I'll leave it at that.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    There like that even without gs. Sometimes there between scenes during the change others not. Apple is in control of who gets ads and when. That should be made clear before you upgrade to pro probably, that just cause you pay doesnt mean your guarenteed ads.
  • paulitsmepaulitsme Member Posts: 109
    It says in the gamesalad wiki that we have control over when they are displayed. At the moment it behaves very randomly. It's nothing to do with Apple because I'm just running it in the simulator.

    "This behavior can also be placed inside Timers or Rules in order to control the display, duration, and triggers for iAds."
  • xarmianxarmian Member Posts: 124
    JohnPapiomitis, I think you might have misunderstood. What paulitsme is seeing I am seeing as well. This is with the test iAd in the GameSalad creator.. If you place it in a scene, then call a change scene behavior, the iad does not disappear.

    The only way I have to handle this is to place the iAd in a rule where an attribute is a specific value (create an attribute called "showiAd", then place the iAd behavior inside a rule that checks that attribute showiAd = true. Then when you toggle showiAd true/false your ad will appear or disappear, theoretically. Then change the value of showiAd when changing scenes. I haven't tried this to see if it actually works, but as far as I can tell it should.

    It actually would be really nice if there was a behavior to hide the iAd too.. that way we could invoke a "show" and "hide" separately. Maybe it's unnecessary, I haven't tested the limits or quirks completely yet.
  • paulitsmepaulitsme Member Posts: 109
    Xarmina, I tried making a attribute to turn iads on and off but it only works some of the time. I have no idea why.

    On another game I'm working on, iads seems to do what I tell it. When the actor holding iads dies, iads is killed too, but this game only has one scene and the same technique doesn't work on the multi-scene game.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    Im not sure, that might be normal. I know when you put iads in threw xcode you place it where you want it and it stays in that same spot threwout the app.
  • paulitsmepaulitsme Member Posts: 109
    I have done some testing and found out.

    - iads continues running between scenes unlike any other behaviour

    - If you destroy the actor containing iads by changing an attribute, iads stays open

    - If the actor is destroyed by a touch, then iads is destroyed too

    It's clearly a bug that needs addressing.
  • paulitsmepaulitsme Member Posts: 109
    I just had a reply from Gamesalad saying they would look to fix the bug as soon as possible.
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