Well, create a rule that checks "if playerDead is true" then create a particle explosion. You'll probably have to create several particle emitters to make an explosion. I haven't tried that yet, but it's something I'll be looking into soon since my current game requires an explosion.
The other option, which I may try if I find GS particles to be inadequate to the task, is to create an explosion in a different program such as Blender, Particle Illusion, or Anime Studio and render the explosion out as an image sequence.
I have the same sort of thing. When the actor is destroyed it needs to spawn another actor that has the particles attached. The actor can have the alpha at 0% so only the particles are seen.
Collision rule: When actor collides with object. Spawn Actor: particle actor#.
particle actor#: Particles Timer: After #sec destroy this actor (particle lifespan < Timer)
The other option, which I may try if I find GS particles to be inadequate to the task, is to create an explosion in a different program such as Blender, Particle Illusion, or Anime Studio and render the explosion out as an image sequence.
When the actor is destroyed it needs to spawn another actor that has the particles attached. The actor can have the alpha at 0% so only the particles are seen.
Collision rule: When actor collides with object.
Spawn Actor: particle actor#.
particle actor#: Particles
Timer: After #sec destroy this actor
(particle lifespan < Timer)