Let Me Introduce Myself...And My Apps
Hey everybody,
I have been a GameSalad member since June of 2010 and thought it was about time to introduce myself to the GS forums. Since I started developing iPhone/iPod Touch apps with GameSalad back in June, I have been able to launch two apps on the App Store, and I hope to have my next app out within the year. The two apps I have out now are Space Warrior and iJetSki. If anyone would like to check them out and leave me a good rating/review that would be great. You can also leave me your feedback on my website at www.alexharbaughapps.com.
Alex Harbaugh (osucowboy18)
I have been a GameSalad member since June of 2010 and thought it was about time to introduce myself to the GS forums. Since I started developing iPhone/iPod Touch apps with GameSalad back in June, I have been able to launch two apps on the App Store, and I hope to have my next app out within the year. The two apps I have out now are Space Warrior and iJetSki. If anyone would like to check them out and leave me a good rating/review that would be great. You can also leave me your feedback on my website at www.alexharbaughapps.com.
Alex Harbaugh (osucowboy18)
Where did you get those enemy ships from?
It has been more than 5 months but you still don't put much work in your games. I'm not talking about using copyrighted materials (Because I'm still in shock!), I'm talking about the other stuff. If you are not 9 or 10 years old, you can do better. At first, everybody does a crappy job, but you are in way too much to get passed that.
Those kind of games makes the users (Especially on TouchArcade) hate the GS games. As I said, you can do better. This is not something that only the "gifted" ones can do. Everybody can do a decent game.
Try harder.
but either way... welcome to the forum...
Good luck on any new projects.