Happy Doodle Sushi Smile - Free for 12 hours

peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
edited November -1 in Miscellaneous
Basically, after the first two days my sales have been AWFUL - I mean I am ashamed of how bad they are >.<'

While this may not help sales (although I sure hope it does), the fact is it's a fun little game (IMHO) and version 1.5 is significantly better as well - so I still want to get it out there.


That's the link - if you appreciate a little time wasting game for free, or if you know me well enough to want to help me out, please - take the time to rate and review it and consider using the Facebook feature; it's one post, one time, sharing your score. It will never automatically post anything.

Naturally I'd be very sad if the app tanked; a lot of love went into it and version 1.5 is a real improvement as well (it's waiting on review now) and yeah, basically I'd just like to get more people to see it even if in the end it doesn't make an impact on sales.

Thanks in advance for whatever help you can give me :)

Peach Pellen


  • LordTarantorLordTarantor Member, PRO Posts: 890
    Hey Peach this game is really good. I was very proud of my self when I reached to 11005. Then I went to the leader board in open feint and I noticed that I was almost at the end of the line, artonsky, magic101, QS and Player E are way ahead of me. So I went back and beat Player E and QS. Arton, magic and peach, you are next...
    Peach I will leave a review for 1.5 as soon as I get it. I already left a review for 1.0
    Good luck.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    LordTarantor said:
    So I went back and beat Player E and QS.

    I don't think so, sunshine - have another look :P

    The sales stuff for HDSS is sad to read about - but it does put out a serious message.

    There is no guarantee that anything you make will sell. It is always a gamble, even with openfeint/facebook/twitter/iads/URL forwarding etc.

    I actually like HDSS - it's a fun little time waster, and I enjoyed the competition amongst people I know on here. It could honestly do with some polish and variety, but other than that it's fine.

    The trick is to make a good game and get it seen by people. Peach, you have all of Corona to play with - the system clock, the camera, gps... make something that takes advantage of all that! :D

    Good luck with the free promotion!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • magic101himagic101hi Member Posts: 713
    LordTarantor said:
    Hey Peach this game is really good. I was very proud of my self when I reached to 11005. Then I went to the leader board in open feint and I noticed that I was almost at the end of the line, artonsky, magic101, QS and Player E are way ahead of me. So I went back and beat Player E and QS. Arton, magic and peach, you are next...
    Peach I will leave a review for 1.5 as soon as I get it. I already left a review for 1.0
    Good luck.

    Good luck :D

  • ZackGSZackGS Member Posts: 313
    hey peach :)

    Let us know if your promotion has a positive impact on sales. It's a good idea, and I for one am curious to see if it helps.

    One of my apps "iSnooze!" was originally 79C then after it slumped i decided to make it free. Got 1800 downloads the day after i did that, and it is currently new and noteworthy in taiwan and colombia. I'm not making anything from it, but it was a experiment app, and im pleased to say it has about 8000 users to date.

    Also let us know how many downloads it gets whilst it is free. You can add 1 to that count as I just got it to try it out ;)

    Keep us posted!
  • LordTarantorLordTarantor Member, PRO Posts: 890
    Take that magic, arton and Peach... Now i am going after you QS...
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Hey Peach!

    Don't get discouraged, there is no rhyme or reason to the app store sometimes, and now that it's topping over 300,000 plus apps, and adding more every day, it's getting harder and harder to get recognized.

    The only thing you can really hope for is a N&N feature, luck, and a lot of marketing on your side.

    Your game is very cute, has a clever title and idea, and like QS said, adding a little variety, polish, and more animations could help sales.

    Having those things upon your initial release is very important to get the buzz going on your game too.

    Don't give up! Keep releasing more games, but set the bar higher each time you do. :)
  • LordTarantorLordTarantor Member, PRO Posts: 890
    Take that QS... Puerto Rican Power...
  • cbtcbt Member Posts: 644
    I have never seen a GS app that have so much 5 stars.

    (I'm aware that, reading this line will scare away a potential GS customer that is looking for more info on the tool... But.. Just try the tool, dude :D)

    I would gladly buy it but I'm having some problems with my countries iTunes store. But I've downloaded it right now and planning on playing it all the day to kick some GS-member ass! :D

    Get ready QS and LT!!
    For this is gonna be your last success!
  • LordTarantorLordTarantor Member, PRO Posts: 890
    bring it on cbt...
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Hey *yawwwwwwwwwwns* just woke up :)

    @LordTarantor - Grats! I saw you in the top spot just now before coming back to check on the thread ^-^; (And thanks for the review, they all help!)

    @QS - Version 1.5 is more polished; it isn't perfect, but it's got some more variety for sure. I'm glad you still like it though :) Hopefully soon I'll be using more features in my apps. This was very much what my Castle Climber was to GS - the first app in which I learned how to use the engine, or this case, the language :)

    @butterbean - Good advice and indeed, setting the bar higher each time is a good idea and something I do try for; I feel like this is my best app yet, but indeed, many things from 1.5 should have been in 1.0.

    @cbt - Thank you, and good luck competing for the score :P

    I assure you all, 1.5 is going to be a LOT less repetitive, so I hope you'll all keep me on your iPhones/iPods while I wait for it to be approved ;)

  • chicopchicop Member Posts: 263
    i like how the game looks, i think it can have a higher stress level personally.. other then that its great and a solid concept. Keep tweaking it and give it some time.

    maybe add a 3,2,1 count down before it starts.. just little polish things really..
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Thanks :)

    Some of the additions in 1.5 will make it a bit more intense or "stressful", haha :P

    I like the countdown idea a lot! I will add it to my list for 2.0 - thank you :)
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    .... That asshat who lurks at GS and cries because he can't make an app just came and wrote some horrid little 1 star thing.

    Sigh. It'll be gone by tomorrow as I'm reporting it (if anyone else felt like doing the same, I'd appreciate it) but still - irritating.

    Did anyone ever find out why he had a stick up his ass over app development?
  • ZackGSZackGS Member Posts: 313
    peachpellen said:
    .... That asshat who lurks at GS and cries because he can't make an app just came and wrote some horrid little 1 star thing.

    Sigh. It'll be gone by tomorrow as I'm reporting it (if anyone else felt like doing the same, I'd appreciate it) but still - irritating.

    Did anyone ever find out why he had a stick up his ass over app development?

    So how many downloads did you get during the free sale buddy ?
  • inceptioninception Member Posts: 74
    cbt said:
    I have never seen a GS app that have so much 5 stars.

    I don't believe it is a GameSalad app, given that it has OpenFeint, and is in the General Discussion section of the forum.
  • LordTarantorLordTarantor Member, PRO Posts: 890
    This is her first Corona app.
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    @Infused Dreams - I'm not sure yet as sales reports haven't updated yet. The total number will be between the report that comes any time now and the one I get tomorrow night, so I'll update this then. :)

    @inception - LordTarantor is right; what CBT was saying was that the ratings were better than he sees on GS apps - not that is was good FOR a GS app. Understand?

    @CBT - Can I ask what your name stands for by the way? I sure hope it isn't what initially sprang to mind, lol. (I'm sure it's not!)
  • cbtcbt Member Posts: 644
    peachpellen said:
    @CBT - Can I ask what your name stands for by the way? I sure hope it isn't what initially sprang to mind, lol. (I'm sure it's not!)

    Of course not! Long years ago, there wasn't anything like that associated with CBT. It is a new trend (Those perverts!). It is just the first letters of my name. Nothing more! :D

    But, come to think of it, that avatar of mine helps to get wrong impression, doesn't it? I will change it now..
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    300 free downloads for the part of the day that fell into today's reports; shall update tomorrow night with the second part. (Australian time, ya'know?)

    @CBT - Well I didn't think so! I just .... I'm ashamed to say it was the first thing that came to mind. (Don't worry, I'm not into that, lol, I just happen to be well versed in that type of phrase/abbreviation, haha.)

    Sadly I think someone said avatars can't be changed currently XD
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    Sorry I've not replied sooner.
    I grabbed your game the other night.
    Tis good fun.
    I was going to make a few suggestions, but it seems like you have most of what I was going to say covered in the update.
    (Animation, weird stuff at the bottom of the play field thing, music etc etc)

    I like the OF integration, worked nice and seamlessly. Would be nice to see a few more achievements that are not score based though imo.

    The game felt a little slow for me (even though I'm not all that good at it even at this speed), but just feels like you could ramp up the speed to make it a bit more thrilling. Or maybe have it speed up over time and stuff.

    Great to know that you went from nothing, to having this game coded in Corona in such a short space of time. great stuff.

    I think you may have been a little premature in setting it to free after only a few days poor sales, but that's just me.

    Poor sales on something is always a disappointment.

    We had a similar situation with our last app "Rodger the Raccoon". Terrible sales really. Fairly average for day 1, but then dropped off much sooner than usual.
    We rode it out for a couple of weeks, just to make sure they were going to be consistently bad for the forseeable future before setting it to free.

    When we did set to free for a couple of days, it was by far our biggest "free" days for any app we have done. 7500 on day 1 as I remember, which shows at least people were interested.....just not enough to spend $0.99 on it.

    Also, rather annoyingly, we didn't really get that bump you sometimes get once it was set back to paid. :o(

    On the other hand. One of our games from earlier in the year (Doodle Ski), which did ok for a week over the summer. Was sitting festering selling 4-5 a day.
    We doubled the price a couple of weeks ago.
    1st few days afterwards, it was selling 8-12!!!
    It's still festering at 4-8 ish a day, but at double the price.

    What I'm getting at I guess, in a long winded way....is the app store is weird and wonderful place. Try not to get too down in the down times, cos we all have them, and sometimes, there seems to be no real logical reason for them.

    Chin up.
    Get your updates out, and bosh out some more games :o)
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977

    Yeah, it was very much like Castle Climber in wanting something out. Like a rushed first app, heh. 1.5 does fix many issues though; the thing at the bottom of the screen seems gone entirely (it might occur once in awhile but didn't in testing, so we'll see - I /think/ we're good now) and music, a few little animations (more to come) and also a few more things to busy it up. (Rather than changing the scroll speed I felt like adding more in way probably better - we'll see though, perhaps not.)

    I wanted to make it free for a little (back to paid now) simply because my sales weren't just bad, they were the worst I've ever had besides a very simple little game that also mysteriously flopped - of 15 odd games, this, probably my best one, did the worst early on.

    My total sales for it are around, I don't know, $13? Literally. Like $13.

    I got it out there so at least now more people will see it and even if it continues to fail horribly it will at least not be something only < 20 people see, lol.

    Thanks for the kind words; we'll see what happens. I'm not giving up and as each game I make typically gets better than the one before, I am no where near giving up.

    Peach :)
  • HeyFriesHeyFries Member Posts: 78
    I tried your game and thought it was cool. The star could probably increase in speed as you go further? What happens if you make it free and add iads? Is it possible to add iads with corona?
  • nulonulo Member Posts: 315
    hey peach.
    first of all congrats on your first corona app!

    now about your game.
    you really need to check collisions. it seems to be pretty off. im not sure how it works in corona exactly, but it seems like your png has a lot of alpha around your actual sprites. this would result in the collision area being bigger than the actual drawing. its really annoying when the star is at least 5 pixels away from the ninja, but it still registers a collision.

    another one that bugs me is when the star gets close to one of the edges of the screen and jumps to the other side. make the star almost disappear on the edge before jumping to the other side. (this will also look better since the star wont "pop" from one side to the other)
    (the same applies to items that come from the bottom and go up. they disappear before getting out of the screen)

    also, you really should think on making the game go faster as time goes on. like every 1000 points you increase the speed by 10%. also, since the game will get harder and harder, you should make the items give more points.

    the way its at there is no other motivation of playing the game(besides the online OF leader board) past 5000 points, since its exactly the same game if you have 5000, 10000 or 25000 points.
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    @HeyFries - Thanks :) With the update the speed doesn't increase but it becomes "busier" - I'll gauge people's opinions on that and then if a speed increase is still desirable will add it in then. Corona doesn't (YET) support iAds, I believe it's coming soon though.

    @nulo - Thank you.

    For collisions, it's a square shape, everything is, just like in GS. I have been trying to figure out how to fix that and I may have a solution, it just needs a tad more testing.

    As to it getting to the other side, it's something I'll look at tweaking in 2.0 - you're actually the first one not to like it ^-^; I agree it could be smoother though, yes. The reason I can't have it totally disappear is because then it would be in a zone that was safe to sit in and just pass check points (in version 1.5) and get some insane score just by leaving their phone sitting there.

    For the items disappearing before the top I've already rewritten this for 2.0 - but thank you for suggesting it. No one had previously mentioned it but I agree they should be off the screen first.

    As to speed, like I mentioned above, I'll gauge what users want for 2.0 - I need to hear what they think after seeing the new items; the screen being a lot busier may effect your opinion too as 10% per 1000 points is a lot of speed very fast based on 1.5s additions.

    Also, I'm guessing you missed them due to the order - but there are actually over 35 achievements and not just for high scores (5k) but also collecting a certain number of sushi in a row and hitting score marks with 3 lives :) There is also a new achievement in 1.5 for finding the first easter egg character. (Very easy to find as he's the first.)

    Appreciate all the suggestions and hopefully 2.0 will implement most/all of them :)
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Update RE Sales:

    I got 300 downloads of the app while it was still free (so the second part of the 12 hour window) - so about 600 all up.

    The part of the day that it wasn't free I got 8 sales.

    This may not sound like much but it's actually a large, LARGE improvement over what it was, as pitiful as that is.

    At the end of the day, 600 more people have my game on their phones and those who update when 1.5 is released (hopefully very soon) will be happy with the changes. 280ish people made the high score table at some point since the game was made free and I know (thanks to insights) that a few people did share their scores on Facebook in that time.

    Anywho, that's my update for now - tomorrow I'll let you all know what sales look like; if I get another day with 8 while that's still dreadful, it means making it free for 12 hours DID work as it still improved sales briefly and I made more than I would have made selling 1 or 2 a day.

    *If anyone has the time and felt like helping me out, kindly report the comments made by that douche on my app, we all know who it is and that he has three accounts (he just renamed one "classymom", quite the fail troll ;P) and/or rate them as "unhelpful".

    I've reported them already as both contain lies so they do violate the rules, but for some reason they're still there. >.<'
  • guru-at-zidwareguru-at-zidware Member Posts: 369
    The iTunes description is older....you should update it.....also do you have tutorials on this app for Corona? How are you advertising this app? I think many GS folk are moving to Corona eventually...

  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    No, the iTunes description isn't older :) (It's from the 5th of December, haha!) 1.5 is awaiting approval as stated.

    I am advertising it in the same ways we all do when we're broke; we send out promo codes, hope to get a review from a decent site (by contacting them with promos), promote on TA, promote on a few other forums, use OpenFeint and Facebook posting, etc.

    I have SOME tutorials, although when you say "also do you have tutorials on this app for Corona?" I'm not totally sure what you mean.

    If you mean do I have tutorials for some aspects of it, then yes. I have written tutorials for wrapping, scene/screen management, openfeint integration, rating buttons, accelerometer control and a few other things.

    If you mean do I have one tutorial explaining how to create the entire app, then no.

    If you're interested in seeing my tutorials, my website for them is http://techority.com

    I do plan on adding some Corona/Lua noob tutorials soon, so if anyone is interested I'd encourage you to bookmark it or add me on FB or Twitter (I tweet under the name peachpellen) as I post when I do a new tutorial. :)
  • guru-at-zidwareguru-at-zidware Member Posts: 369

    Cool..thanks for the update...I am building my first Corona apps now....I am impressed with their ease of use and customer support....but building is more involved (mind work) than GS....your tutorials are great!!!!! Our Pinball Wizard! game was made using the CocosLive servers for scores....maybe the GS folk will do this soon?

  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    No worries; good luck with your first Corona apps - and I'm glad you like my tutorials :)

    There will definitely be more in the future.
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    peachpellen said:
    No worries; good luck with your first Corona apps - and I'm glad you like my tutorials :)

    There will definitely be more in the future.

    Where do you have those tutorials?
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