My Game won't change scenes.

allaboutiweballaboutiweb Member Posts: 42
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Currently I have 4 scenes in my game: Welcome, Game, Pass and Fail. When Actor 1 uses up all his bullets in the Game screen and the attribute (bulletcount) is zero or less a display text rule is used to say words to the effect that you have run out of ammo so must restart the level..... It works fine.

When the game is finalised what I really want to have happen instead is that the scene will change to the Fail screen. Basically if you haven't scored enough points with the ammo you have you failed. On the fail screen is a button that restarts the scene and one that takes a user back to the Welcome screen.

My problem is though that whenever I try to fail in the game it pops the message up and then takes me back to the welcome screen, even though it doesn't appear in any of the rules I have set......

Likewise, when I do score enough points the game should take me to the Pass screen to say congrats and then allow me to move on to the next scene or just to go back to the Welcome screen.... Nope, it misses that one out to and I go straight back to the welcome screen too.

Anyone ever come across this problem??


  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Hard one to comment on without seeing the project.

    Are you doing change to next scene because if your on the last scene and it has a change to next scene it will take you back to the start (i think).

    It's best to do change scene and pick the scene from the list.

  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    Sounds like your missing an actor rule you set somewhere like maybe you dragged an actor just out of view. Check your scene tab and check all actors basically debug. Otherwise check on screen instances of these actors rules. If good it may be a GS bug. I had one where I had a current score and a high score and for some freak reason when it was game over it would set them to the same thing even though the current score did not go higher than the high score. I deleted the attribute and rebuilt it and it still does the same thing. Maybe it's because I brought it from the previous version of GS but I had to do a work around because it still never works right without the workaround.
  • allaboutiweballaboutiweb Member Posts: 42
    Okay, so I got it to change scenes now, I just added a hidden actor that had the rule of "if bullets =0 and game.time=>1 then change scene to Fail" and that works. If you use all your rounds up before the time is up and you haven't got the allotted points you fail.....

    On my fail page though I am having more problems. I created 2 actors, one which When Pressed changes scene to Welcome, and the other When Pressed changes scene to Game. They don't do that. All they (both) do is flash the game screen up and then return to the Fail scene.

    I added a reset game and a reset scene rule, but that didn't work either. DO I have to add a manual rule into the Fail and Pass hidden actors to stop everything in the Game screen for it to work?
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