it could be nice, but I suspect it would take them a lot of time to do the port.
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
not really at this time. There where some apps which you could control your mac from your iphone or ipad but I think I saw somewhere apple pulled them. I suppose with something like that you could but for now I don't see gamesalad being able to be used from the device. that would make preview mode much more realistic I would say.
Apple hasn't pulled apps for that functionality. There is a selection of VNC apps on the App Store. I tried using one before I got GameSalad Viewer, you zoom in on the preview zone. Worked quite well to see wether the position and size of things would allow for comfortable control, but you can't do some things, like touch with more than one finger, because that zooms the vnc view, and the desktop OS's can't handle multi-touch yet. Also, depending on where you are, you're 3G connection may be too slow for it to be usable.
dshoe said: Would it be possible for Gamesalad to make a game editor for the iPad? I'd love to make stuff on the go even if I couldn't publish from it.
I reviewed Remoter in the premiere edition of Critique. Basically, I picked up Remoter for 99¢ and it's a great VNC client. It was a bit crowded on the iPhone, but I think it would be pretty good for the iPad.
The problem I had with the app is I don't know how secure it is.
FranzKeller said: it could be nice, but I suspect it would take them a lot of time to do the port.
The smartest thing for GameSalad to do... make it web based. That way, Mac, Windows and iOS users could make games!
The problem I had with the app is I don't know how secure it is. The smartest thing for GameSalad to do... make it web based. That way, Mac, Windows and iOS users could make games!