Should I get the bamboo pen & touch or the intuos 4 small?

WeswogWeswog Member Posts: 1,171
So I am deciding whether to get the bamboo pen & touch or the intuos 4 small. I know the differences of pressure levels but is it worth it for me. I will mostly be working on graphics for games and start learning how to do that. The bamboo does come with photoshop essentials 9 while the intuos doesn't come with any software. Also the intous is slightly larger. If you think I should get the intuos what graphic design program can I get relatively cheap?

Cheers, Weswog


  • WeswogWeswog Member Posts: 1,171
    Please any comments?

    Cheers, Weswog
  • diegocsdiegocs Member Posts: 531
    intuos, if your are going to use it exhaustively, bamboo if you are going to use it casually. and if you can't afford photoshop if you buy either, you can guess a way to get it free (torents), if your into that type o stuff
  • WeswogWeswog Member Posts: 1,171
    Thanks for the info :)

    Also if I get the pen and touch does Photoshop elements allow you tomake game graphics?

    Please more comments definitely appreciated

    Cheers, Weswog
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    Im getting just the bamboo pen for 69 since it comes with corel. I heard its pretty good with it. Also you can use the pen with gimp, you just set the button on the pen to left click and you can do everything
  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    i bought the Bamboo "Fun & Touch" about a year ago when i upgraded from some "Genesis F610" tablet.
    The difference is night and day!
    I am 200% happy with the model i have chosen, especially since my 27" iMac eats mouse batteries for breakfast!
    I do pretty much everything the the pen and it's flawless.
    For some reason, i was not able to install the photoshop elements software which came with it (forgot why) but other than that, it's a joy to work with!
  • AasimarAasimar Member Posts: 74

    The Bamboo series is very bad, my enterprise changed all the bamboo for intuos.

  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    Aasimar said:

    The Bamboo series is very bad, my enterprise changed all the bamboo for intuos.


    Too bad your "enterprise" does not sell those very bad tablets because I would not mind buying two of three more (have a lot of computers).
    Any chance for such a deal via pay pal?
  • AasimarAasimar Member Posts: 74
    I think my enterprise have doing an exchange with Wacom (350 tablets ~)
    Sorry !
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Bamboo is great - although I don't use one personally the majority of people I know prefer them these days after moving up from other brands. (Many of these people work in "arty" jobs.)

    Really though, I'd just see if there are set up for you to have a play with wherever you buy your computer gear - see what feels right to you :)
  • SnowSnow Member Posts: 124
    I use Intuos4 medium. It's now like an extension of my body. As said, the bamboo is good if you just want to do casual stuff like sketch and whatnot. If you have artistic skills and you want to make game graphics, go with Intuos.

    For doing game graphics, Photoshop elements is ok, but there are many freeware tools out there that coupled with a high-end tablet will allow you to produce stellar art. Two tools that I use are Inkscape and MyPaint. I use MyPaint for it's insane brush collection and if you do a pencil sketch with it - it's like a real sketch. If you have a Windows machine - you can use a tool called Chaos Crystal. It can make any open window semi to completely transparent. It is an invaluable tool for tracing. I would use it to trace frames from Pencil (Animation - another freeware tool) into Flash.

    One more thing I'd like to point out with Intuos. It's an investment. If for whatever reason, you're strapped for cash - it's insanely easy to sell used as everyone is looking for a deal on Intuos tablets. When I bought my medium I actually got stopped twice walking home with it with offers for it lol.
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