Should I get the bamboo pen & touch or the intuos 4 small?
So I am deciding whether to get the bamboo pen & touch or the intuos 4 small. I know the differences of pressure levels but is it worth it for me. I will mostly be working on graphics for games and start learning how to do that. The bamboo does come with photoshop essentials 9 while the intuos doesn't come with any software. Also the intous is slightly larger. If you think I should get the intuos what graphic design program can I get relatively cheap?
Cheers, Weswog
Cheers, Weswog
Cheers, Weswog
Also if I get the pen and touch does Photoshop elements allow you tomake game graphics?
Please more comments definitely appreciated
Cheers, Weswog
i bought the Bamboo "Fun & Touch" about a year ago when i upgraded from some "Genesis F610" tablet.
The difference is night and day!
I am 200% happy with the model i have chosen, especially since my 27" iMac eats mouse batteries for breakfast!
I do pretty much everything the the pen and it's flawless.
For some reason, i was not able to install the photoshop elements software which came with it (forgot why) but other than that, it's a joy to work with!
The Bamboo series is very bad, my enterprise changed all the bamboo for intuos.
Any chance for such a deal via pay pal?
Sorry !
Really though, I'd just see if there are set up for you to have a play with wherever you buy your computer gear - see what feels right to you
For doing game graphics, Photoshop elements is ok, but there are many freeware tools out there that coupled with a high-end tablet will allow you to produce stellar art. Two tools that I use are Inkscape and MyPaint. I use MyPaint for it's insane brush collection and if you do a pencil sketch with it - it's like a real sketch. If you have a Windows machine - you can use a tool called Chaos Crystal. It can make any open window semi to completely transparent. It is an invaluable tool for tracing. I would use it to trace frames from Pencil (Animation - another freeware tool) into Flash.
One more thing I'd like to point out with Intuos. It's an investment. If for whatever reason, you're strapped for cash - it's insanely easy to sell used as everyone is looking for a deal on Intuos tablets. When I bought my medium I actually got stopped twice walking home with it with offers for it lol.