Enemies with 2 hitpoints?
I'm just about to buy the iphone licence for GS, but wanted to check a few things first.
I designed a game and the enemies need to have 2 hit points, head and body.
If you shoot in the head their energy will go down faster and if you hit the body the energy would go down slower. is this possible? I don't know how to add a sort of energy to an enemy.
Also another thing, with GS can I make a button that fires when held down (iPhone)
Like a machine gun for example? hold it down to fire out the clip.
Thanks, these are just a few things I need to know are possible with GS before I buy it.
I'm just about to buy the iphone licence for GS, but wanted to check a few things first.
I designed a game and the enemies need to have 2 hit points, head and body.
If you shoot in the head their energy will go down faster and if you hit the body the energy would go down slower. is this possible? I don't know how to add a sort of energy to an enemy.
Also another thing, with GS can I make a button that fires when held down (iPhone)
Like a machine gun for example? hold it down to fire out the clip.
Thanks, these are just a few things I need to know are possible with GS before I buy it.
I am having trouble creating a sort of health total for the enemies.
At the moment it takes one bullet to kill an enemy, can you help me to make a health system,
I'd like to make the enemies take at least a blast of bullets before they die.
thanks in advance.
Thanks so much for your help, you make this so much fun to use.
I used to use Unity for iPhone but I always wanted to make 2d games,
The forums on there were shockingly bad, no one would help with anything.
So I dropped it and came here.
What I'm trying to do it allow rotation from point A to Point B, like the hands of a clock, only allowing it to rotate within the field of 3 oclock and 6 oclock.
Does that make sense?
I tried the rotate to angle and it stops at the angle I want it to, but if I press the button again, it keeps going.
I want it to only allow a certain amount of rotation, like it stops at 3 oclock and if I rotate the other way, it stops at 6 oclock.
It is true to say that you can post to the Unity forums and not get a reply for a long time, though some of the replies that are posted are extremely good ones, with huge chunks of sample code and demo scenes. Both tools are huge fun, and also free! Not counting the Pro versions that is.
Ok so all I need to do now is add 2 hitpoints to my enemy actor.
I understand how to make enemy health and things like that but I don't know how to make my enemy actor have 2 hitpoints that take different amount of energy off if they are hit.
I need to make a body hit point, and a head hit point.
Obviously the head taking more energy off of the actor.
Could someone help me sort this out?
Thanks very much.