Audio goes out of sync completely
Well, unfortunately for us all GS doesn't support .m4v or any form of video whatsoever, thus my problem. I have a 5-7 second intro that I am using a PNG sequence (12 frames per second) to accomplish my intro. I have an audio file that is synced directly to this PNG sequence. Well, when I ran it for the first time or after a complete reboot, the intro syncs perfectly. However if I quit the program and kill it in the multi-tasker, then start the program fresh again, it plays the very end of the audio clip, yet the PNG sequence runs normally. Just the audio is jacked. I know I am stretching this program to the limit with so many PNG's, but GS leaves me no choice.
or had a boolean attribute for sequence and set to true... with a rule for when true-- encompassing the animation and music and then a timer correlated to the elapsed time for run to change that attribute to false...