While we are on the topic of copyright...
Okay, I know I was born pretty close to yesterday, but what is this about?
Cannon Pro?
"...amazingly high quality graphics..."
Sure, I guess they are since you didn't replace the ones in the template.
GameSalad, please clarify if this is proper use of the templates.
Cannon Pro?
"...amazingly high quality graphics..."
Sure, I guess they are since you didn't replace the ones in the template.
GameSalad, please clarify if this is proper use of the templates.
You're probably going to rip off Mini-Cannon next!
It's what happens when you reduce barriers to entry, lower your price to zero and aim for the lowest common denominator. You attract f***wits and retards who don't appreciate the concept of working hard on something, and who feel it's ok to steal and make money from other peoples work.
There's no simple "I'm against it" - the closest is "I'd rather make my own work" which implies you only have a view regarding your own use of copyrighted material.
This is as f'ked as that asshat who tried to rip of my Zombie game >.<'
The template publishing is one of the worst things anyone here can do as it contributes greatly to the negative view of GS games.
But, I should have made a note when I saw it, but this is not the only template published,
I'm sure I've seen the sidescroller shooter template in the appstore as well a while ago..
Without any significant changes whatsoever...
And, yeah, agreed to add an option to vote it's '100% NOT OK, grow up + shave your balls'
From where I'm standing there's nothing to vote for atm.
I hope GameSalad's reputation improves over time and doesn't get worse; this type of this is really, really detrimental to the genuine efforts of most of us.
As you probably already figured out, I am definitely not okay with it (hence why I raised it in the first place).
I think as a community we need to just keep an eye on this kind of behaviour. No ones knocking borrowing on the idea (I think we've treaded water on that topic a lot lately), but blatently using the exact artwork and not adding more than what appears to be a Reset button seems pretty cheap.
Anyways, I'm off to publish Cannon Pro Part Deux; the natural sequel with a red background.
And try to do their own stuff get somebody's else work and use it to make money...
Well I think it's easier... Shame on them!!!
But seriously, this is no fricken' surprise since, like Chunky said, any F-wit is allowed to publish a game now that it's free.
It just gets better and better doesn't it?!
This is so damn aggravating what a lame ass mother f%%%%%%!!
It's weird if you look at the other apps from the developer, there are quite a few I don't recognize, I wonder if he has just taken them from other easy app creation programs...or can actually make apps but has instead chosen to steal art work and design from a template...
Please can someone at GS get his address and egg his house for the Christmas holiday...
Isn't that based on another template? I'd check but I'm on a Windows box at the moment.
It's weird because he does have other apps on there that look like they were original... unless he scabbed those off of some other tools/devs.
Question: Is there not a way to change the poll?
-3 similar levels!
-No sound!
-Cool watermarked graphics!
-Only $ 1.99!!!!
I mean, have a button to address issues like these, verify and make sure these kind of apps get pulled ASAP.
Maybe Apple is not the one to be in charge here, but some sort of 'judge' should be in place somehow..
It's ridiculous people can get away with this kind of fraudulent business, unless a big company will (threaten) to sew them (like EA or Nintendo) unfortunately this is no realistic option for the indie dev anyways ($$)...
The medium is still very new, so this will continue to happen until the system changes and a real threat is in place if you try to be a cheap bastard.
Then again, this is still an issue regarding graphic design via the interwebs, it's simply not watertight and very tough to defend. And design + interwebs go hand in hand for many more years already then app development for IOS devices.
I use templates as a starting point for some gamea and they are a great help, but I would never publish one exactly the same......
Good luck with your uberly unique cannon game :P