I have 3 platform actors, that once they are offscreen get recycled to a new random Y position, and also one of 4 different widths.
I've also done a little bit of maths, using an offset calculated from the platform's current width, to make the gaps between the platforms a little bit random too.
I'm turning it into a game at the mo. free with Iads.
Once I've got that finished(almost there), will go though and tidy things up, get rid of all the un-needed crap, and sort out a template for "da-scene". etc
Yeah. I've got spikes to jump over now, and also a bad guy that appears every now and again. Might add some way to kill him, or just keep it simple and have you jump him. Getting there.
I have 3 platform actors, that once they are offscreen get recycled to a new random Y position, and also one of 4 different widths.
I've also done a little bit of maths, using an offset calculated from the platform's current width, to make the gaps between the platforms a little bit random too.
Looks great!
free with Iads.
Once I've got that finished(almost there), will go though and tidy things up, get rid of all the un-needed crap, and sort out a template for "da-scene". etc
The music at the beginning is very errrr... FANTASTIC
I still play Canabalt...its a beautiful looking game... robots, birds flying off etc etc...
Getting there.