Working on version 2 of my trumpet app - new artwork!

sometime today (if i'm lucky) apple will approve my first app, the Little Composers Trumpet!
I don't know how that will go and I expect to update it with what ever comments i receive ... will see.
But, the good news is that i am already working on part 2, a much cooler looking instrument with an extra valve. The new design is supposed to draw less attention to the instrument and more on the instructions!
Please note that the colours are not yet added to the valves because i am still working on the shaders ...
iLife is good
sometime today (if i'm lucky) apple will approve my first app, the Little Composers Trumpet!
I don't know how that will go and I expect to update it with what ever comments i receive ... will see.
But, the good news is that i am already working on part 2, a much cooler looking instrument with an extra valve. The new design is supposed to draw less attention to the instrument and more on the instructions!
Please note that the colours are not yet added to the valves because i am still working on the shaders ...
iLife is good

some days are very productive .... as you all know
I had so much fun rendering out the trumpet images in low and high res that I went ahead and used the new artwork for the banner on the web page!
I can't wait to have this running on the iPad!
This new trumpet will blow you away! LOL
By the way, you've got a typo on your website: it says in the banner:
Little Cpmposers instruments are...etc.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
ok, i made a new banner!
i had fun rendering and, the glass shader was perfect for my Cinderella trumpet! LOL
more professional is always good
i am wondering something?
Are we allowed to "hard code" (insert sponsor ad(s) into the artwork and thus, get some money from corporations to finance out hobby?
Would apple let that pass? Has anyone tried it?