Looking for smooth Jump button
Greetings, I have spent a lot of time looking for a smooth jump button to use in a platformer game on the iphone. I would like it to only jump to a specific height, or if I just tap it jump to a height lower then the max height. The main feature I was looking for but have been unable to find is a jump that works while my actor is running, if I am running and jump I want my actor to be able to jump. I have searched all over the forum and the available templates and none have worked.
My platform template has single and double jump in it.
It's for sale at $50 (because of the huge amount of work that has gone into it).
As you can see everyone that got it is very happy with it.
http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=14562 this is what you get atm with more coming soon.
Just sent you an email,can't wait to get the template!
Great template by the look of things. Is this still available to buy, and if so how do we get it?