Speed filter

ForteForte Member, PRO Posts: 297
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello, everyone

is there a way to have an actor under a certain speed do something and an actor over a certain speed to do something else?

E.g. Actor falls from high place he goes to fast down and splatters everywhere, (example of the actor going over the set speed) and actor falls from a high place but does not go fast enough to splatter, in stead he hits the ground and gets back up again. (actor going under the set speed)

see what I mean?

Cheers, Dragokillz


  • urhungryurhungry Member Posts: 112
    It has something to do with the speed attribute being greater than or less than something when it hits tge ground. Not quite sure how to write it but thats the general concept.
  • ForteForte Member, PRO Posts: 297
    cool thanks
  • ForteForte Member, PRO Posts: 297
    wait, if i has to be greater than ????

    it will always splat!
  • ForteForte Member, PRO Posts: 297
  • Fafnir312Fafnir312 Member Posts: 161
    You need to make one rule that checks if "linear velocity" is greater than "crash speed" and also checks if it is less than "-crash speed". If either one is true then your actor should crash. This will make your player crash no matter which direction you're going. You'll need to do this for both x and y linear velocities.

    I've not had any problem using this with "linear velocity x" but for some reason this doesn't seem to work with checking "linear velocity y". I haven't had time to look into the issue so I don't know if it's my code or GS.
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