I had a hard day so ... to relax, I'm working on my little iphone app :)

Usually i don't like to do creative work when i'm frustrated but ether i'm getting used to dealing with apple or it's just a special day? I don't know 
Here is a quick preview of the trumpet app which i am completely redoing for a Windows (.exe) version and the iphone as well. This screenshot shows the iphone startup screen.

Here is a quick preview of the trumpet app which i am completely redoing for a Windows (.exe) version and the iphone as well. This screenshot shows the iphone startup screen.

Usually, when dealing with actors that trigger a sound, one would make a sound sample and then attach that sound via a rule!
This means that for each button that triggers a sound, i would need a unique sound file. BUT, GS has a GREAT FEATURE that is easy to overlook. I did not have to work on creating the extra two sounds the new app has because, GS lets me alter the pitch of a sound like so:
Original sound > Pitch = 1
say you want a full tone (two semi tones) lower, you simple use that same sound sample and change the value "1" to "0.9
Cool huh?
To go only a semi tone, use 0.95
I was amazed on how good that works ... not to mention that I didn't need to fire up the recording equipment just to create two sounds.
The trumpet has a "hidden" B flat at the top for which i did not make a valve as it is more of a "bonus" feature for those who are used to playing and can take advantage of the extra sound.
I hope that helps someone as it also keeps the app size down