English language doubt

Hello everyone! I'm finally uploading my first app to the store.
I was developing a board family game in the past few weeks, and it was very complicated. A bit frustrating also. I will end it, first or late.
But two days ago I decided to change direction, and design a very small timewaster game.
Now, my question:
Do you think it is correct in english "Gruesome Kitten Slicer"?
I was developing a board family game in the past few weeks, and it was very complicated. A bit frustrating also. I will end it, first or late.
But two days ago I decided to change direction, and design a very small timewaster game.
Now, my question:
Do you think it is correct in english "Gruesome Kitten Slicer"?

You can give a short name for the game on the device.
You can call it "myverylongwindedtitleontheappstore" and you can call it "MvLtotA" on the device.
Apple says, the device title SHOULD be similar for recognition, but it doesn't have to be the same!
So you can call your game Kitten Slicer on the device, no problem.