Creating levels in GS
Member Posts: 42
Hi everyone. I am new to GS. Sorry if this sounds silly. What is the general approach to creating levels using GameSalad? For example, if I were to create a puzzle game with 20 levels. Do I create each level as a scene and just do scene transition (change scene behaviour) when each the level is cleared. Appreciate any input.
In Running Wild all the platforms were 48 high so we made a 48x48 grid.
Coming from PC Gamemaker with drag and snap actor to grid (user defined) this is one of my biggest request for the update.
There's also a 3rd option...
If you want 5 levels without any load times and the actors rules are pretty light you could do this:
Make a scene 5 times bigger, pop in your 5 480x320 backgrounds (if the Bgs are all the same you could make one big actor 2400 wide and use tile in the graphics box) and then scroll along each 480x320 level making the puzzles then do a simple rule for the camera to change on the X by +480 when you want to go to a new level.