Would anyone be willing to help me beta test my windows versions? XP /Vista/W7

i know that GS runs only on macs and therefore, everyone how used GS has access to one.
But if some of you also have a windows machine, I'd be grateful if i could find two or three beta testers of my windows version of the instruments.
I have windows xp on my mac via parallels but i also use that to develop and therefore i might have libraries installed that other users might not have.
My software is easy to uninstall and does not add any dll files.
The tricky part is the registration and I want to make sure that that works before I put the software for sale.
The registration process is what concerns me and I want to make sure that users can do this without complications.
Think about it and if interested, please contact me here via reply or on my web site, http://xyloFUN.net (there is a contact form on the right hand side of most pages)
p.s. if this posting is against forum rules (and i think that it might be) than by any means, please remove it
i know that GS runs only on macs and therefore, everyone how used GS has access to one.
But if some of you also have a windows machine, I'd be grateful if i could find two or three beta testers of my windows version of the instruments.
I have windows xp on my mac via parallels but i also use that to develop and therefore i might have libraries installed that other users might not have.
My software is easy to uninstall and does not add any dll files.
The tricky part is the registration and I want to make sure that that works before I put the software for sale.
The registration process is what concerns me and I want to make sure that users can do this without complications.
Think about it and if interested, please contact me here via reply or on my web site, http://xyloFUN.net (there is a contact form on the right hand side of most pages)

p.s. if this posting is against forum rules (and i think that it might be) than by any means, please remove it