splash screen modification... could it work

diegocsdiegocs Member Posts: 531
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
if we replaced the slash screen file in the .app file that gamesalad gives you, could we that way change the splash screen?


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    No, if its that big a problem for you, use another program. Otherwise just deal with it
  • diegocsdiegocs Member Posts: 531
    yeah the problem is that it has a white background which looks like it crashes at startup, but don't really mind it says gamesalad
  • gazjmgazjm Member Posts: 578
    I think someone tried, and unless you can match every single statistic about the file, not just the name but exact length, filesize, probably the timestamp as well etc, it won't work. Im sure GS will bring a black option out sooner or later!
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    I played around with this and itunes wouldn't install an the adhoc build because the binary had been altered. So I would bet every time stamp in the whole thing has to match. It's not that I have a problem with the splash of course just seeing if it was even possible. I doubt if you changed the video the white screen at startup would go away. im pretty sure thats gonna be white and your device is just taking forever to load the video. either because your game is massive or your on an older device that just runs slower. I have no problems with the 1/4 second delay before the video appearing as though it has crashed. it passes so quickly on my iphone 4 you don't hardly notice. I do wish it wasn't limited to portrait only since a lot of the games are landscape.
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    Well the splashscreen was supposed to be getting fixed as a priority... or so Yodapollo told us early last week...


    Im not sure how it can take this long to get fixed...surely it doesnt take a team of developers nearly 2 weeks to modify or redo a new loading sequence. Again, it stuns me how little concern GameSalad has for the games carrying its name, or the developers putting effort into those games. Ive been using GameSalad for 9 months now, and nothing seems to change....

    Im guessing were not going to hear anything more now until after the new year...as Im guessing the GameSalad devs have pretty much wrapped things up now for 2010.
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