Actor becomes Invisible

GingerBGamesGingerBGames Member Posts: 390
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello GSer's,

I've got a Menu Button that just says when touch go to main menu. I've got 10 levels, on 8 levels when I drag this actor on it, it's there on the front of the scene. No problems with that. However, on the 9th & 10th scenes, when I drag the Menu Button Actor on the scene, it disappears. More precise, it's there, and even if I "move to front", it's like it's in the back of the scene. In the scene editor, i've moved it to the front, but it's still invisible, and unresponsive. This is the first i've ever encountered such a behavior, does anyone have tips on how to fix this?


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