Video to show the progress on my game 'Dark Asylum' (Working title) in HD
United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
Here is a video showing the progress so far on my game Dark Asylum (Working title as the name is not the moment).
What's in the video:
- New Stormystudio intro sting.
- Working lift level,
- Shows the collectables menu working
- back to main menu clock function. (Activates if you touch and hold screen)
- New instructions screens.
- Lift controls
- And all round experience of the game so far...
Available in HD..720p
(sorry about the dodgy camera work, lighting etc).
What's in the video:
- New Stormystudio intro sting.
- Working lift level,
- Shows the collectables menu working
- back to main menu clock function. (Activates if you touch and hold screen)
- New instructions screens.
- Lift controls
- And all round experience of the game so far...
Available in HD..720p
(sorry about the dodgy camera work, lighting etc).
I cant wait to play..
Hope your well
Have a good christmas...
...The poll is not that enthusiastic... 3 votes for NO.... :-/
Merry Christmas!
Just out of interest what don't you like...
- Loading times? (There should hopefully only be one longish load per 30 minutes of gameplay give or take a bit)...
- To dark?
- Too complicated?
- Something else?
Just want to know so I can make changes if possible...
1. These "signs" that you collected an item, are not necessary. I think that they are destroying the sense of reality (and this is important in horror games), (I've hope that you understand what I'm talking about). I would delete them.
2. Instructions should be more descriptive (for example, when you have the "touch for main menu" screen, you should write if player will be able to continue his game after entering the main menu).
3. I don't know it you need the Penrose Triangle on the loading screen, but I think that it doesn't match the game.
4. I think that this screen blinking during the game is too hard. My eyes hurts when I watch it for the long time.
5. Icons to go backward (for example, when you are looking at the blood on the floor) are destroying the sense of reality (and this is important in horror games). I would delete them, and make player touch any part outside the main object (f.e. blood) to go back.
That's all. I like all the rest (the title is also great) and I think that this riddle with sponge and coin is great! Really well designed. I'm talking this as a adventure games fan.
Hope that post will help you!
The 'collected items' signs and 'go back' stuff is fine. I'd say that you don't want to sacrifice ease of play for atmosphere. While atmosphere's important, making a game that's more difficult to play than it should be, and therefore frustrating, isn't a good idea!
What I *would* say is that the toolbox as a solution to unscrewing the panel is a bit obscure. Sure, a toolbox *should* have a screwdriver in it, but it's not explicitly shown so it isn't obvious. I'm sure that's just placeholder though!
The very best of luck with this - look forward to playing it!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
It interested me man, I'd buy it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to take the modular challenge aspect of a game like "Cut The Rope" and mixes it in with point and click adventure gaming. Which is a good way to keep mobile users interested, I think.
The main concern I would have is that, if you didn't branch out from these single room scenarios, the rooms would remain to be fairly easy to escape from. Maybe a focus on solving minigames or puzzles in addition to the puzzles would help that. Like for instance, you have to rewire the elevator panel or something, which requires 3/5 of colored wires you find around placed in the right place and rotated in the right way (IE - Dummy / red herring items). Or something. If you already have a plan for increasing complexity then just ignore me, lol.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
And glad to see the poll has improved :-)
In reply to a few points:
Gonna make it so you can turn off the flickering light as an option in errr 'options'. Although the lights will come on better once power is fully restored to the lift.
Need to create a short intro sequence
Will be adding little puzzles as well as exploring rooms.
Thanks for the rewire lift controls idea. I'd already written into the game that you find a wire to fix the emergency phone. But finding more than one wire is a better idea than I'd come up with.
Will try and work some instructions into the first scenes of the game, hints at how to swipe, main menu etc.
Agree the loading screen is a little odd, wanted something to keep the player engaged whilst try wait for it to load. Thought optical illusions might help, but maybe just some story telling text.
Firemaple glad you like the look so far, grisly manor is awesome and has led to me now owning about 10 different point and click puzzle type games.
Qs, yeah coin opens the vent. Thanks for the feedback about makin the game nicer to play over keeping atmosphere.
Fingers crossed it will be worth the effort.
So much I want to do.
Main thing is stayin motivated and willing to change things if they don't quite work.
Just had 3 days away from loading game salad and take a little effort to get back into working on it.
Last time I did an adhoc export it came out at like 35 mb or there abouts.
There is probably 10 Mb of that, that can be lost by cleaning up the project files, making some images which are 24 bit 8 bit as some dont need to be 24bit. (Lose the scene images that GS is currently unnecessarily adding to an app file),
By the time I make the game as big as I'd like I can see it hitting 100 Mb...
Or I can change the graphic style and try and keep it under 20... but I don't want to do that.
I'm sure gonna try and stay motivated, I'm looking forward to getting the lift scene working exactly right, then can't wait to open the lift doors and start building the first rooms of the asylum...
I think you'll lose a bunch of MBs by cleaning out the screenshots from the project file and using something like ImageOptim to reduce the size of your in-game graphics.
Hopefully you'll get it under 20MB!
I'm fiddling about with a shooter for for the iPad - currently it stands at 20MB with the menu and one scene in it. I'm not too worried about it though as I believe (in a totally unscientifically proven manner) that people use iPads at home with their wireless connection, which makes size less of an issue.
Good luck with it!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I'll take alook at ImageOptim, is it better than using 'Save For Web' in Photoshop?
It reduces image file sizes from 20-60% and the image quality looks more or less the same
Definitely worth checking out
currently sized between 369Kb and 590Kb (All 24 bit pngs from Photoshop using 'Save For Web')
ImageOptim is doing its thing...
Saving from 3.1% to 5.2% on the file sizes. So not massive but a little help. I may change the look of the lift a little, so there is less texture and colour variation to see if it drops the filesizes down to 150kb ish.