Text Based Game Question
Member Posts: 9
Hi, i'm trying to create a text based game based off of a really old book that my brother and i found at an old book sale (the name was Shipwrecked on Mystery Island [ i think ] ). Basically, you read the book, but at the end of the page, you're presented with a set of options, and if you chose one option, you would be redirected to another page where you would continue the story in a different way. I recently tried to create a simple prototype test game using only four actors. The first actor would display one line of text, another actor would be option A, another B, and a third C. I'm trying to make it so that if one option is selected, the selected actor would send a message to the foundation text-actor and change the text, thus presenting a dilemma, giving new options, etc... I tried doing this, but when i set the actor to an OnMouseClick type function, it displays both text and it's only visible while the mouse button is clicked. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?
But I think, a text game wont sell well. Almost everyone buy a game based on the screenshots quality. A text game, wont have good screnshots...
I remember the type of books you are talking about... divergent story-lines.
the problem I see is with GS is not displaying large volume of text correctly... but if you are using text in images it should be doable...
you can have two actors on screen:
--one with the story area
--one with the select for next story area
you index the pages/images for the the story...
you associate that index with the selections
when the user taps an area to proceed the image in the story area changes...
(the buttons or touch area change the index... the story changes with the index. )
as a judge for a Competition for jayisgames... I remember a game of this type
(I did NOT like it and gave it a very low score... )
this was not done in GS
It's totally doable in Gamesalad. You're just not displaying the text correctly. You need a text display actor designed to display the text from a text attribute like Game.Text.Display. You also want that actor to delete itself based on some kind of action.
Then, as a simple example, have 2 buttons with options at the bottom of a page of text. If they press option A, set Game.Display.Text to whatever you want, then spawn the text display actor. Same with second option but different text.
A more realistic option would probably be to just do a scene change when you hit button A or B, to a new scene with a different BG filled with text. The above option is better for drawing a block of text over the original screen, like text in an RPG.
you can use [option]+[return] to start new lines and have it show in Preview
but after the 3rd line you will get just a white box in GS viewer and on devices.
the same for text in expression.
unless you can figure out how to make it work... any volume of text to display has to be an image.
and, if you have this working, please let the rest of us know how to do it.
Right @THRSTN to copyrights on material from the1950 onward are most all still valid.
think in September we tried everything and got real excited cause expressions seemed to work in Preview...but alas, not in GS viewer nor on the devices...
still for single lines you can get a decent display; and easy to change that content.