Royalty free graphics for FREE
If you are not the artist type, but you want professional graphics for your game, try this website, which I just stumbled upon:
Strange thing, that the site is hosted in hungary, but it is in english.
You can find some cool images there in large resolution, which you can use absolutely free.
You don't need to search by google image anymore and be scared if the owner of the image will sue you :-P
Strange thing, that the site is hosted in hungary, but it is in english.
You can find some cool images there in large resolution, which you can use absolutely free.
You don't need to search by google image anymore and be scared if the owner of the image will sue you :-P
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Maybe you have luck and find exactly what you were looking me :-)
the tutorials on the site... are great for graphics as well as photo!
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At least there you don!t have to buy a subscription for thousand dollar to be able to buy an image for fifty cents.