Adding play sound behavior kills my game

scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
edited November -1 in Tech Support
When I add play sound behaviors to my current project and preview it everything works fine. But when I quit GS an reopen it and try to open a scene I am unable to open a scene in either the drop down menu or under the home screen. I have a version of my game with everything working perfectly in it excepts sounds (play music is working fine) and when I add one play sound behavior to any actor this happens.

Kind of sucks because this is my huge science game that I am submitting tomorrow for the STEM video game competition which is for $50K



  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    oh... I cry with you Dan!

    make a copy of the clean program and try again?

    weird that it worked... and then when closed/opened nothing worked!
    seems like that particular projectFile is corrupted...

    time is short... but you can do it!

  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    MotherHoose said:
    oh... I cry with you Dan!

    make a copy of the clean program and try again?

    weird that it worked... and then when closed/opened nothing worked!
    seems like that particular projectFile is corrupted...

    time is short... but you can do it!


    Thanks for the encouragement! I could submit the game with no sounds, but this game is for elementary students including non-readers so the sound files were mainly the instructions for each level.

    I have now been able to add some sounds. I am doing a bunch of save as... instead of save and hope to track down the bug so I can add sounds and avoid this issue.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    It seems like when I import ogg files one at a time it works better. Still causes the weird bug some times but I am about 80% done with adding the sounds. So if I can get GS to limp the 20% of the way to the finish line I'll be all set!
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    good news!

    you will get there! and if the world is fair... you will win!

  • TopShelfPancakesTopShelfPancakes Member Posts: 25
    This sounds exactly like the problem I am having now. It seems like the more sound files (I am using ogg) you have in the project, the more crippled it becomes. I added 16 sounds in a project and it got destroyed... couldn't even open the file any more.

    16 sounds isn't even a lot, let alone what the number I need in my app. I was wondering if there is some cap on the number of sounds you can have in a game.

    PS The sound files aren't in a scene or actor or anything, they are just in the audio tab!
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