Stock illustrations not costing a fortune?

pazappapazappa Member Posts: 7

I have been scouting for stock illustrations/photos for use in my children's game. But I am a bit surprised to see the prices. You have to include a special license that allows for use in apps and they are typically $50 - $400 per photo, never less than $50, and I would need maybe 50 illustrations/photos so it is out of the question at the moment to pay that for my first app.

Any thoughts on this, any places where the illustrations and/or photos including licenses are cheaper? I am looking for pictures or illustrations of different animals.


  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    I took my camera to the zoo in Vienna but later decided to rather model the animals because I wanted to control the final pose etc ...

    I think to take the pictures yourself will be better since you have the publishing rights later on or if you are good with drawing, cartoon animals appeal more to kids .... me thinks :)

    Good luck with your project!

    P.S. I'm releasing an animal app as well .... small world :)
  • EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Member Posts: 1,246

    But look at the license of each image, some will require permission and credit. All are free.
  • pazappapazappa Member Posts: 7
    Thanks guys!
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