Photo Hunt

GingerBGamesGingerBGames Member Posts: 390
Hello GS'ers,

I really want to make a Photo Hunt game. Does anyone know where I can get photo's to use? Or even better, any ideas on how I can create them? Thank you.


  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
    set up a camera at a fixed location. Take a picture. Then put the hidden objects into the scene and take the picture again. You can crop the pictures out in photoshop then align them in Gamesalad by making the finished picture (with the objects) as the background and arrange the actors on that. Then change the background image to the empty room so when you find an item, you can delete it from the scene, revealing the empty room behind it. Good luck.
  • GingerBGamesGingerBGames Member Posts: 390
    Both really good ideas, thanks for sharing guys.
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    ask for contributors from people on flickr...
  • GingerBGamesGingerBGames Member Posts: 390
    That's a really great idea about flickr.
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