Making iPhone then Ipad versions... or Vice versa

belleechbelleech Member Posts: 34
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
So guys I'm planning on doing an Ipad and an Iphone version of my games. Would that mean I have to create the Ipad version first then create new Iphone project and recreate everything there? Or is there a more efficient way of resizing everything from Ipad to iphone version and vice versa?


  • CodeCodeCodeCode Member Posts: 200
    I have exactly the same question in mind.
    Im doing my new game on the iphone and i'm doing the images in both sides, for the iPhone and for the iPad, when the iPhone version is done i will send it to apple, then start working on resizing everything for the ipad version and add some new features for the iPad version. Then when all is finish and the iPhone version is on the store i will send the iPad version to Apple.
    For some reason i have the impression its now a good idea to release the iPhone and the iPad version on the same time.
  • CodeCodeCodeCode Member Posts: 200
  • QbAnYtOQbAnYtO Member Posts: 523
    don't u mean bump? lol

    anyways i was thinking the same thing... i WOULD GUESS doing ipad first THEN iphone... i think its easier to shrink than to expand....i don't know...maybe its just me.......i gotta stop doing crack :(
  • belleechbelleech Member Posts: 34
    bump it is!
  • belleechbelleech Member Posts: 34
  • UPUP Member Posts: 70
    OK, I didn't want to reply without finding back the website I got this info from,
    but all these bumps are making me sad.. :-(

    First let me say I haven't yet completed any app myself, but I was doing some research to be sure I got off the right start, and I also thought iPad first then scale down, sounds logical to me.. but...

    It 'should' be, first iPhone then iPad, the reason being it's way more difficult to create a functional app/game on a smaller device then on a big one.

    But then there's the issue of how to scale up your work when creating the iPad version without getting blurry pixelated images..
    Simply make sure you work in a non destructive way, meaning, use vector based elements
    at all time (minor exceptions there), and if working with bitmap based software like Photoshop
    make sure to use masks, vector smart objects etc etc. Just do not convert to bitmap, stick to vector.

    In case you do need to use bitmap for some reason, make sure your iPhone source document is in a higher resolution then the 72 dpi you need in the end, so when scaling up for iPad your images never go below 72 dpi (you do the math :-P ).

    I'll see if I can find back the website, it had lots of explanation about this including examples + pictures of how to setup a perfect document for app development in Photoshop/Illustrator... Kinda in a tutorial way..
  • JamesLewisJamesLewis Member, PRO Posts: 109
    iPad First - it requires max graphics resolution.... u can then scale everything down for the iPhone....

    Can't go scaling up.... - if iPhone first, u have to re-do all the graphics...

  • ScootsScoots Member Posts: 507
    JamesLewis said:
    iPad First - it requires max graphics resolution.... u can then scale everything down for the iPhone....

    Can't go scaling up.... - if iPhone first, u have to re-do all the graphics...


  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    Just make a retina display iPhone game so when the time comes to make the iPad version you can use the same graphics.
  • UPUP Member Posts: 70
    Yes you can scale up, if you stick to a non destructive workflow..
    There's no need to recreate any graphics (this is only needed if you work in bitmap on a resolution that's too low).

    but I agree, if it's ONLY concerning graphics (and everything is already well planned out on paper), create the iPad versions first and scale down is the 'easy' way to go. But when it comes to developing a well functioning GUI the smaller device is the worst case, so better start there. You don't want to downscale your GUI for a smaller device, it needs to be built per device specifically.

    Man I really need to find that link.. It makes things way more clear then I can.. I suck at explaining.. :-)
  • TobyToby Member Posts: 478
    Yea, i just create all my graphics at Hi-Res and scale down from there.

    Although most of my graphics are created in vector based programs (Flash) so i probably could scale up too.
  • QbAnYtOQbAnYtO Member Posts: 523
    non destructive work flow.. totally agreed.. i started on the iphone first and when i went to the SOURCE of my graphics, where the characters and graphics are in their raw form (created) i export them in two different sizes, one for iphones and one for ipad...

    you COULD use the ipad ones for iphone but its best to save all the memory u can :p even if its kilobytes.
  • belleechbelleech Member Posts: 34
    Nice, see this is why GS is worth the buck its because of the support you pretty much get from everyone. Thanks guys, from the bottom of my Deep-AppRevenue-Filled-Pockets.

    Nah, just kidding, I seriously flunked my first release. Booyah!
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