Restitution Bug - Every bound the restitution became shorter...
Member Posts: 424
Hello. I started another game... I have a actor called for example "Man"that is drop from the top of the screen. Its restitution is set to 0... There is also a platform, with the restitution set to 0,6... So, when, that Man actor collides to the platsform, it bounces...
I have also a "controller"that spawns a "Man"actor every X seconds...
What happens, is that every Man spawned the bounce effect is shorter. So, after a few mans spawned looks that the restituition doesnt exist.
I have also a "controller"that spawns a "Man"actor every X seconds...
What happens, is that every Man spawned the bounce effect is shorter. So, after a few mans spawned looks that the restituition doesnt exist.