Ideas on creating a shadow character.

Fodder76Fodder76 Member Posts: 154
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi there. Another question for you brilliant lot.

I've got a character that's constantly running. Lets say I wanted to create additional versions of him that follow right behind the character, and mimic everything the main character does. If the main character jumps over a pit, the guy following behind him should do the same, an instant after he does.

Is there any clever way to do this in GS?



  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
    Not sure, but just so you know, there's already a game like this

    It is a great game, and if you could make it a little different, yours could be even better if you put the time into it.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    you could try making to attributes. Player x and player y real. In the character constrain self position x to player x, and constrain self position y to player y. Then in the shadow actor constrain self position y to player y, and constrain self position x to player x - 20. The shadow should then move everywhere the same as the player, and the - 20 pushes the character back so it appers to follow, instead of being right ontop of it.
  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
    I think you can just put all the rules into a timer for after 2 seconds for a two second delay in the shadow and without a timer in the first.
  • Fodder76Fodder76 Member Posts: 154
    Thanks for the replys!

    That game is interesting. Much more interesting than the one I'm trying to make, so they aren't very similar. :)

    I'll try the combination of what the two of you suggest. I need the shadow characters to remain behind the main character, but their movements need to be slightly delayed. If they jump at the exact same time as the main character, they won't clear it... etc.

    So Asymptoteell, maybe combining what you suggest with with John suggests will let me come up with something.

  • Fodder76Fodder76 Member Posts: 154
    Hmm but a timer delay wouldn't override a constraint would it?
  • forkliftforklift Member Posts: 386
    *edited to delete my statement* Sorry, this answer was already given and I didn't see it til too late.
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